Vilma E. Bordonaro, M.B.A.

Under the direction of the Chancellor, Vilma E. Bordonaro, M.B.A, serves as the chief advisor to the Chancellor and the liaison for internal and external stakeholders and leaders. Vilma coordinates actions with administration and academic teams, collaborates with the Chancellor’s direct reports and executive management; as well as oversees and informs the Chancellor of the day-to-day operations, including budget, staffing, and operating procedures.
Vilma serves as key advisor and thought partner to the Chancellor to translate goals and vision into plans of action; at the direction of the Chancellor, manages high-impact and high-visibility projects. She assists the Chancellor in overseeing the daily activities and needs of the Office of the Chancellor and Board of Trustees (BOT); ensuring timely and effective responses and strategies to critical incidents and events. In addition, Vilma ensures that assigned projects and initiatives are community-focused and support the mission and objectives of the College and the BOT.
Vilma oversees operations of food services; housing; expenditures and policies related to travel, catering, and requests in Unimarket; as well as approvals for technology, listservs, catering, and contracts.
- M.B.A., Touro University
- B.A., Concordia College