eLearning (SHSP & GSBMS) and Educational Technology (SOM)
Office of eLearning (SHSP & GSBMS)
The Office of eLearning manages the Canvas Learning Management System for the School of Health Sciences and Practice and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. The Office of eLearning is committed to supporting, promoting and amplifying the enhancement of teaching and learning that incorporates online technologies. The Office develops and promotes standards for excellence by designing and delivering high-quality online and blended courses; creating online content for their online, blended, and face-to-face courses; supporting students in online and blended courses; and offering best practices and tips. Supported academic applications include:
- TouroOne (NYMC Account Password Support)
- LMS (Canvas)
Please review the computer requirements and visit the Information Technology page for more information.
Canvas Learning Management System
As part of its commitment to enhancing the learning experience, New York Medical College utilizes Canvas as its Learning Management System (LMS) for SHSP and GSBMS students. Canvas is a widely used platform that supports a range of educational activities, including course management, content delivery, and student engagement. Students benefit from a user-friendly interface that provides easy access to course content, grades, and communication tools. Canvas also supports various multimedia elements and collaborative features, which enrich the educational experience and foster interactive learning. Overall, the use of Canvas at NYMC aligns with the institution's goal of leveraging technology to support innovative teaching and enhance the overall quality of education in the health sciences fields. Training sessions and resources will be available to help you get acquainted with the system.
Meet the eLearning Team
To contact the eLearning team email: elearning@nymc.edu

Denton Brosius, M.A., Ph.D.
- Denton_Brosius@nymc.edu
- (914) 594-3600
Donna Tartaglione Berger
- dberger6@nymc.edu
- (914) 594-4819

William Gibbons
- william_gibbons@nymc.edu
- (914) 594-4824
Office of Educational Technology (SOM)
The Office of Educational Technology for the School of Medicine, hosted under the Office of Undergraduate Medical Education, provides faculty and students in the School of Medicine with instructional support and design technologies. Staff is available for consultation and/or to provide technical assistance for the various software and hardware technologies that support the curriculum. Supported academic software/hardware applications include:
- Leo Curriculum Management System
- Yuja Lecture Capture
- Turning Point Audience Response System
- ExamSoft
- NBME secure browser
- Virtual Microscopy
- Zoom
- Microsoft Office (Login with your @student.touro.edu e-mail address and TouroOne password.)
Please review the computer requirements and visit the Information Technology page for more information.
Anatomage Virtual Dissection
Our state-of-the-art Radiology Teaching Suite contains a classroom that is specially equipped with a smartboard and video display technologies electronically linked to an Anatomage™ table. This virtual dissection table features a touch-interactive display system that realistically depicts a living human’s anatomy. Student learning is enhanced by its digital library which includes over 120 pathological examples.
LEO Curriculum Management for Medical Education
The curriculum for the M.D. program is loaded in the Leo Curriculum Management System, a sophisticated, centralized calendar-driven learning management system, allowing faculty to clearly map educational program objectives, curriculum content, instructional methods, and assessment measures directly to courses and clerkships. The system also offers patient encounter tracking capabilities and evaluation and assessment components.
Meet the EdTech Team
To contact the Educational Technology team email: EDTECH@nymc.edu