Safety Resources

Researchers, faculty, and other employees are protected on campus from hazardous exposures by engineering and administrative controls, and personal protective equipment.

Engineering Controls

  • Building and equipment design and construction
  • Ventilation systems
  • Safety cabinets and fume hoods
  • Fire detection and alarm systems

Administrative Controls

  • Safe work practices and procedures
  • Rules and regulations
  • Instruction manuals and signs

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Eye and face protection such as chemical splash goggles & face shield
  • Gloves & lab coats
  • Protective footwear such as chemical resistant boots
  • Hearing protective devices such as earplugs or muffs
  • Respirators*

*Respirators are not permitted to be worn until the intended use is reviewed by EHS, safe work practices are established and written, the intended wearer of the respirator submits to a respirator qualification evaluation and physical examination which are found satisfactory, and the wearer passes a respirator fit test with the respirator to be worn.

Choosing the Right PPE

Although gloves can be made of the same material, differences in their construction can affect performance. This can include resistance to abrasion and tears, chemical break-through time, and permeation rates. Anyone selecting a glove should have training or knowledge of workplace hazards, glove types and performance and understand user needs. The ChemrestChemrest (opens in a new tab)* website may be used as a tool to assist you in glove selection when considering workplace exposure. If additional information or assistance is required, contact EHS or the personal protective equipment manufacturer.

*Chemrest is listed as an information resource only, this should not be perceived as an endorsement by EHS or its affiliates.

Outside Health & Safety Resources

These are state and national organizations dedicated to reducing hazardous conditions and promoting safety in a variety of realms of life and work. If you need a form for work being conducted in the labs, please email or visit us on the TouroOne portalTouroOne portal (opens in a new tab) under “Campus Resources”.

Safety Resources, current section