Sustainability: GreenNYMC

Green caduceus with NYMC

As a leader in biomedical higher education, NYMC prides itself on being at the forefront of innovation and educational opportunities. Its students, faculty, and staff are champions of constantly developing new and improved ideologies and approaches to medical education. The College recognizes its responsibility to lead the campus community in incorporating sustainable options and programs on campus.

7 Dana Road Green Initiatives

Sign on campus listing BioInc@NYMC, the Clinical Skills and Simulation Center, and the Disaster Medicine Training Center

To qualify for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification at the "gold" level, efforts were ramped up in the renovations of 7 Dana Road - home of NYMC's Clinical Skills and Disaster Medicine Training Center and BioIncBioInc (opens in a new tab). The building features:

  • Responsibly harvested wood and recycled materials.
  • Paint, toilets, adhesives, and tiles that have either no amount or trace amounts, of volatile organic compounds that emit noxious vapors, which make the building's air free of respiratory irritants.
  • Cleaning products that are non-toxic and HEPA filter vacuums.
  • Plumbing fixtures that feature water-conserving technology.
  • Low-mercury, high-efficiency lighting.
  • Energy-efficient appliances.
  • Multiple recycling stations.

Campus-Wide Green Initiatives

NYMC building on Sunshine Cottage Road

These green initiatives are underway at New York Medical College:

  • A single-stream recycling program that makes recycling less cumbersome for students and staff.
  • Dual-sided copying as the default setting on all college copiers and printers.
  • Promoting electronic transmission of all documents.
  • Recycling of used batteries, including those from cell phones and laptops in addition to regular lithium-ion batteries.
  • NYMC publications, including the Chironian are now produced with recycled paper and soy inks, and are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.
  • The Environmental Health Interest Group is a student organization working to raise awareness of the interconnectedness of the environment and public and personal health. This group advocates for greater sustainability across campus through eco-friendly policies and initiatives.
  • A pollinator garden on campus provides a habitat for vital pollinator insects and raises awareness of the environment’s impact on food security.

For further details regarding any information found here, or for suggestions for how NYMC can become more sustainable, please email at We would appreciate hearing your ideas to help make our campus greener.

Sustainability: GreenNYMC, current section