Institutional Compliance

The Office of Institutional Compliance (“OIC”) helps ensure the effective management of the College’s business in accordance with its legal, regulatory, and ethical responsibilities. It aims to increase awareness of these responsibilities and to foster a culture of compliance and accountability among all members of the College community. The OIC also receives and investigates concerns of wrongdoing or suspected violations of College policies or laws. OIC provides the NYMC community with the following services:

  • Advises the College’s administrative and academic units on compliance matters;
  • Promotes communication and coordination regarding compliance and risk management throughout the College;
  • Conducts ongoing compliance monitoring and investigations when requested by Internal Audit, Human Resources, or the Office of General Counsel;
  • Works with Auditors and Compliance Officers to ensure that identified compliance deficiencies are corrected; and
  • Reports on compliance and risk management matters to comply with any requirements of audits.

Contact Compliance

NYMC Office of Institutional Compliance
40 Sunshine Cottage Road, 2nd Floor
Valhalla, NY 10595
(914) 594-4567

Touro University Office of Institutional Compliance
Matthew Lieberman
Regulatory Compliance Officer and Title IX Coordinator
3 Times Square, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10036
(646) 565-6000 Ext. 55667

Anonymous Compliance Hotline: (646) 565-6000 ext. 55330

Reporting Compliance Concerns

Expectations of NYMC Community:

All College faculty, employees, and students are expected to:

  • act in good faith
  • report on concerns that are reasonably considered to be in possible violation of any law, regulation, or College policy (you do not need to know the exact law, regulation, or policy)
  • be truthful and cooperative in the College's investigation of allegations

Good faith reports will not jeopardize employment or academic standing. Making reports in bad faith, knowingly making false reports, or providing false or untruthful information during an investigation can lead to discipline, including if warranted, termination.

Avenues for Reporting Concerns

  • Local Reporting: The best place to raise a concern typically begins with the specific department or unit’s ordinary management or supervisory channels (e.g., supervisor, instructor, or adviser). Usually, the local department or unit is the most familiar with the issues and parties and best equipped to address or raise a concern to a higher level.
  • OIC Reporting: If reporting locally is inappropriate because of the subject matter or work/personal relationships (e.g., a complaint pertains to the supervisor’s conduct), concerns may be raised with OIC at (914) 594-4567 or
  • Sexual Harassment/Title IX Reporting: If a College community member has been discriminated or harassed on a basis of sex, they should report the incident via email to or to, the Title IX Coordinator for Touro University, or call (646) 565-6000 Ext. 55667.
  • Anonymous Reporting: Where a member of the College community fears reprisal, embarrassment, or for other reasons does not feel comfortable utilizing normal reporting channels, they may make an anonymous report by dialing (646) 565-6000 ext. 55330.

The Following Should NOT be Reported to Compliance

  • Emergencies: First call 911, then Campus Safety
  • Disputes or disagreements with supervisors regarding performance evaluations, wage increases, grievances or other employment concerns that do not involve legal or policy violations. Report to Human Resources.
  • Student issues such as housing, financial aid, academic misconduct, and other student affairs issues. Report to responsible College office associated with the issue.

Accreditation Reporting

If you have concerns about the qualifications for accreditation of NYMC or any of its programs, they may be reported at the following accrediting bodies:

Institutional Compliance, current section