Under the purview of the Office of Public Relations are numerous publications: InTouch, the weekly campus newsletter, the annual Chironian magazine, the Strategic Plan, the NYMC At-A-Glance booklet, Alumni Connections newsletter as well as handbooks, brochures and other print communications. The Office also has responsibility for the college's web presence, provides support services for leadership, faculty, students and staff, and generally advances initiatives in support of institutional objectives. The NYMC Office of Public Relations also submits content for Touro University System publications.

Chironian Magazine
The Chironian magazine is distributed to a readership of 16,000 faculty, alumni and employees of New York Medical College, government and community leaders, affiliated hospitals and selected media. Each issue is carefully crafted to provide a balance of articles on cutting-edge research, personality profiles, student accomplishments and alumni news from all three of NYMC schools. Copies of the magazine are available in the lobbies of the Medical Education Center, Basic Sciences Building, School of Health Sciences and Practice, 7 Dana Road and 19 Skyline Drive.
Learn more about the Chironian magazine
InTouch Online Newsletter
InTouch is the online newsletter to the New York Medical College campus community and is distributed to nearly 5,500 faculty; staff; graduate, medical and dental students; trustees and donors; media; opinion leaders and executives at affiliated hospitals. The online newsletter is disseminated via email every week during the academic year and every couple weeks over the summer session. The primary objective is to increase awareness of programs and activities on campus. Suggestions for story ideas are always welcome. Stories can be about research, curriculum or programs of study, unique or interesting personal achievements, growing trends or patient care with an academic angle. Please email your comments and inquiries to lori_perrault@nymc.edu.
View issues of InTouch on TouroScholar
Alumni Connections
Alumni Connections is New York Medical College's exclusive e-newsletter distributed to all alumni, published quarterly by the Office of Public Relations. Alumni Connections includes the latest Alumni events, information and programs Suggestions for story ideas are always welcome.
View issues of Alumni Connections on TouroScholar