SLP Program Strategic Plan
This is the 2022-2027 strategic plan for the Division of Speech-Language Pathology in the School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP) at New York Medical College (NYMC).
The goal of the division's strategic plan for this reporting period is to maintain current standards of excellence in academic and clinical training as a speech-language pathology program with an emphasis in medical speech-language pathology. This plan draws on the College’s Strategic Plan (2022-2026) and the School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP) Strategic Plan (2022-2027). The division identified specific aspects of the College and SHSP strategic plans to determine goals to meet or exceed the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) Standards and ensure that the students meet the Council for Clinical Certification in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology 2020 CFCC Standards.
Mission & Vision
Our mission and vision is in keeping with NYMC’s mission, vision, and values.
School of Health Sciences and Practice Mission Statement
The School of Health Sciences and Practice at NYMC is a health sciences-focused school whose purpose is to educate clinical and public health professionals as well as researchers to prepare them for practice and to positively impact human health and well-being. The school engenders a community that promotes an atmosphere of excellence, scholarship and professionalism through its faculty and affiliated partners.
School of Health Sciences and Practice Vision Statement
The School of Health Sciences and Practice will promote health science education, scholarship, and service to prepare and empower the next generation of health sciences and practice leaders to advance human health and well-being across a wide spectrum of settings.
Division of Speech-Language Pathology Mission Statement
The Division of Speech-Language Pathology prepares skilled clinicians who are committed to evidence-based and ethical practices in the delivery of speech-language and swallowing services in health care facilities, schools, and other professional settings. The curriculum focuses on integrating research and clinical applications across academic and clinical courses. The division fosters the development of inter-professional practice skills within the college and in community-based clinical practice settings. The division promotes clinical excellence in the community through service activities and continuing professional education opportunities. The division affirms its commitment that graduates meet the standards for clinical certification through the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
In pursuit of achieving our Mission and to align with the College and School of Health Sciences and Practice Strategic Plan and external certification standards, the division identified goals in the following areas: Student Success; Innovative Faculty and Research; Community Partnerships; and Person and Family Centered Care.
Student Success
Goal 1: Student Support Services
The division will:
- continue to enhance lines of communication with the Office of Academic Excellence and the Office of Mental Health and Wellness;
- increase the efficiency of the divisional advisement process.
Goal 2: eLearning
The division will:
- continue to customize a learning management system (Canvas) rubric for in-person and synchronous remote courses to ensure consistency of information for students.
Goal 3: Interprofessional Education
The division will:
- continue to coordinate and increase IPE activities with the Division of Physical Therapy and the Touro Dental School;
- facilitate student participation in, and document interprofessional activities available at externship sites.
Goal 4: Recruitment and Affordability
The division will:
- enhance division program offerings by developing specialty tracks in Early Intervention and Pediatric Dysphagia;
- create and offer a sequence of prerequisite courses for students interested in pursuing a graduate degree in speech-language pathology;
- develop a speech-language pathology doctoral (SLP-D) program.
Developed in support of NYMC Strategic Plan Goals
Champion Excellence in Education and Person and Family Centered Care (Goals 1, 2 and 4)
Promote Biomedical Research and Innovation (Goal 1)
Focus on Community Outreach (Goal 1)
Strategic Planning, Resource Development and Institutional Improvement (Goal 1)
Developed in support of SHSP Strategic Plan Goals
Student Success (Goals 1, 2, 3, 4)
CAA and CFCC Standards
Innovative Faculty and Research
Goal 1: Scholarship, Recognition, and Incentives
The division will:
- establish expectations for teaching and research tracks.
Goal 2: Community of Scholars
The division will:
- explore the possibility of developing an interdisciplinary clinic with other clinical programs on campus.
Goal 3: Physical Facilities
The division will:
- annually assess classroom space and technology needs.
Goal 4: Leadership
The division will:
- assess progress toward meeting the goals of the strategic plan twice a year and implement strategies to achieve goals not yet accomplished. This information will be shared with both the faculty and administration in an annual report;
- continue to practice a culture of shared governance and transparency in decision-making processes at the division level.
Developed in support of NYMC Strategic Plan Goals
Champion Excellence in Education and Person and Family Centered Care (Goal 3)
Promote Biomedical Research and Innovation (Goal 1)
Elevate Transparency in Governance and Commitment to Ethics, Mission, Vision and Core Values (Goal 1)
Strategic Planning, Resource Development and Institutional Improvement (Goals 2, 3)
Innovative Faculty and Research (Goals 1, 2, 3, 4)
CAA and CFCC Standards
Community Partnerships
Goal 1: Engagement and Outreach
The division will:
- continue to provide speech-language and hearing screenings in the community;
- support student involvement in community-based opportunities;
- support student opportunities in international clinical experiences;
- continue to develop partnerships with community hospitals and health centers to enhance opportunities for clinical training and community services to support unmet needs in the community.
Goal 2: Visibility and Awareness
The division will:
- increase visibility and awareness of the quality of our program to a larger region and various settings;
- monitor promotional materials to ensure that they are updated to highlight services/academic program offered.
Developed in support of NYMC Strategic Plan Goals
Champion Excellence in Education and Person and Family Centered Care (Goal 2)
Focus on Community Outreach (Goal 1)
Strategic Planning, Resource Development and Institutional Improvement (Goals 2, 3)
Developed in support of SHSP Strategic Plan Goals
Community Partnerships (Goals 1, 2)
CAA and CFCC Standards
Person and Family Centered Care
Goal 1: Student Population
The division will:
- provide education about the SLP profession to various groups of students in cooperation with community partners and the division’s NSSLHA organization to promote person and family-centered care in different settings.
Goal 2: Broad Range of Full-Time Faculty
The division will:
- continue to have broad-based national and international searches for any open faculty position.
Goal 3: Curriculum and Learning Experiences
The division will:
- continue to develop relationships with community hospitals serving various communities in the region;
- continue to review and enhance course materials to enhance the application of person and family-centered care in all learning-related activities.
Developed in support of NYMC Strategic Plan Goals
Champion Excellence in Education and Person and Family Centered Care (Goals 1, 3)
Promote Biomedical Research and Innovation (Goal 1)
Focus on Community Outreach (Goal 1)
Elevate Transparency in Governance and Commitment to Ethics, Mission, Vision and Core Values (Goals 1, 2)
Strategic Planning, Resource Development and Institutional Improvement (Goals 2, 3)
Developed in support of SHSP Strategic Plan Goals
Person and Family Centered Care (Goals 1, 2, 3)
CAA and CFCC Standards