Milton Tabachnick, Ph.D.
Milton Tabachnick, Ph.D., served as the first dean of the Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences. Dr. Tabachnick, dean from 1973 to 1980, rose to prominence as a biochemist by applying, what was then a new technique, radioimmunoassays, in his studies of the binding of thyroxine and growth hormone to albumin and their effects on glucose metabolism. Students at New York Medical College voted Dr. Tabachnick as “funniest professor” on several occasions.
Born in the New York City borough of the Bronx, He earned his undergraduate degree in biochemistry at the City University of New York (CUNY)-City College of New York, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in biochemistry at the University of California-Berkeley. Dr. Tabachnick and his wife, Elizabeth Tabachnick, were active supporters of many New York City cultural institutions. He moved to Madison, Wisconsin, after his wife died in 2005.
Dr. Tabachnick passed away at his home in Madison, Wisconsin, on April 27, 2014, after a brief illness. He was 91.