Guaranteed Interview & Conditional Admission Agreements
The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences currently enjoys guaranteed interview and conditional acceptance agreements with several colleges and universities. The agreements listed below outline the required benchmarks necessary to obtain a guaranteed interview or conditional admission to various institutions. They are open to current master's students of GSBMS, as well as recent graduates of specific GSBMS master's programs. Final admission to any of these professional programs resides with the admissions office of that institution.
1. New York Medical College School of Medicine
By agreement between the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBMS) and the School of Medicine (SOM) at New York Medical College, students in the two-year discipline-based Master’s programs within each of our basic science departments and the two-year Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences Master’s Program (iBMS), the Accelerated iBMS Master’s Program (AMP), or applicants who have completed one of these programs, and who seek admission to the New York Medical College School of Medicine (SOM) will be guaranteed an interview if they meet certain academic performance benchmarks.
Criteria for Guaranteed Interview:
Students must have applied to the NYMC SOM following the normal procedures specified by the NYMC SOM and have met the following benchmarks:
- MCAT and GPA thresholds:
- MCAT ≥ 508 (the most recent score - must fall within the timeframe required by NYMC SOM for the current application cycle)
- For two-year Master’s students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.4 (after completion of three semesters OR overall GPA for students who have completed the entire Master's course of study)
- For AMP students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.4 (after the Fall semester for enrollment in the current application cycle OR overall GPA for students who have completed the coursework for enrollment in a future application cycle)
- Applicants must maintain professional and academic standards of integrity to be considered for interview and admission by NYMC SOM.
The Guaranteed Interview Agreement is valid for up to two (2) years following the completion of the didactic portion of the program.
Criteria for Conditional Admittance
Available only to students in the Accelerated iBMS Program
Students in the Accelerated Interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences (iBMS) Master’s program must have applied to the SOM following the normal procedures specified by the SOM (including satisfactory completion of CASPer and MMI interview process) and have met the following benchmarks:
- MCAT and GPA thresholds:
- MCAT ≥ 510
- Graduate GPA ≥ 3.4 (overall GPA for students who have completed the coursework) *
- CASPer threshold: ≥ -1
- MMI threshold: ≥ 7
- Applicants must maintain professional and academic standards of integrity to be considered for interview and admission by NYMC
- Enrollment in the SOM is contingent upon the graduation of the student from the Accelerated iBMS program in good academic and professional standing and adhering to the SOM policies including the social media policy
* GPA ≥ 3.4 must be maintained upon completion of the program
The Conditional Admittance Agreement is valid for up to two (2) SOM admissions cycles (the year during which the student is enrolled in the Accelerated iBMS program and the one year following the end of the didactic portion of the program).
Things to consider:
- Students sign a binding agreement with the NYMC SOM to attend NYMC if accepted. Signing this agreement precludes a student from accepting an offer from another medical school if accepted by NYMC SOM. As such, the Conditional Admittance Agreement limits a student’s options regarding the choice of medical schools. You may apply to other medical schools in that cycle but signing this agreement requires the student to attend the NYMC SOM if accepted. If you are not accepted at NYMC, you may accept another offer.
- This is not an automatic acceptance. It is conditional based on meeting all SOM admission requirements including a successful interview outcome.
- You can choose not to sign the conditional admittance agreement and still take advantage of the non-binding Guaranteed Interview option which does not require signing an agreement to attend the NYMC SOM if accepted.
- You sign the agreement in August of the Accelerated iBMS year or the August immediately following the Accelerated iBMS year.
- If you want to retake your MCAT, we strongly discourage you from re-taking the MCAT during the Accelerated iBMS year due to the academic demands of the program. You are advised to re-take the MCAT in June following the end of the program for the next application cycle. However, the latest date an MCAT can be taken in the application cycle is in the first week of October.
2. Touro College of Dental Medicine
By agreement between the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBMS) at New York Medical College and the Touro College of Dental Medicine (TCDM), students in the two-year discipline-based Master’s programs within each of our basic science departments and the two-year interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences Master’s Program, or applicants who have completed one of these programs, and who seek admission to the Touro College of Dental Medicine (TCDM) will be guaranteed an interview if they meet certain academic performance benchmarks.
Criteria for Guaranteed Interview:
Students must have applied to the TCDM following the normal procedures specified by the TCDM and have met the following benchmarks:
- DAT and GPA thresholds:
- DAT ≥ 20 (Overall Academic Average)
- Two-year Master’s students must achieve a graduate GPA ≥ 3.4 (after completion of three semesters OR overall GPA for students who have completed the entire Master’s course of study)
- Applicants must maintain professional and academic standards of integrity to be considered for interview and admission by TCDM.
A supportive recommendation from the Graduate Program Director will be taken into consideration when determining interview eligibility.
3. New York College of Podiatric Medicine
By agreement between the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBMS) at New York Medical College and the New York College of Podiatric Medicine (NYCPM), students in the Accelerated Master’s Program, two-year discipline-based Master’s programs within each of our basic science departments and the two-year interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences Master’s Program, or applicants who have completed one of these programs, and who seek admission to the New York College of Podiatric Medicine (NYCPM) will be offered a guaranteed interview if they meet certain academic performance benchmarks.
Criteria for Guaranteed Interview:
Students must have applied to the NYCPM following the normal procedures specified by the NYCPM and have met the following benchmarks:
- MCAT and GPA thresholds:
- MCAT ≥ 500
- For AMP students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.4 (after the Fall semester OR overall GPA for students who have completed the entire course of study)
- For two-year Master’s students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.4 (after completion of three semesters OR overall GPA for students who have completed the entire Master's course of study)
- Applicants must maintain professional and academic standards of integrity to be considered for interview and admission by NYCPM.
A supportive recommendation from the Graduate Program Director will be taken into consideration when determining interview eligibility.
4. Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
By agreement between the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBMS) at New York Medical College and the Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine students in the Accelerated Master’s Program, two-year discipline-based Master’s programs within each of our basic science departments and the two-year interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences Master’s Program, or applicants who have completed one of these programs, and who seek admission to the Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine (TouroCOM) will be guaranteed an interview if they meet certain academic performance benchmarks.
Criteria for Guaranteed Interview:
Students must have applied to the TouroCOM following the normal procedures specified by the TouroCOM and have met the following benchmarks:
- MCAT and GPA thresholds:
- MCAT ≥ 506
- For AMP students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.4 (after the Fall semester OR overall GPA for students who have completed the entire course of study)
- For two-year Master’s students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.4 (after completion of three semesters OR overall GPA for students who have completed the entire Master’s course of study)
- Applicants must maintain professional and academic standards of integrity to be considered for interview and admission by TouroCOM.
- A supportive recommendation from the Graduate Program Director will be taken into consideration when determining interview eligibility.
- Applicants must specifically identify themselves as NYMC GSBMS graduate students when applying through AACOMAS.
5. Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine
By agreement between the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBMS) at New York Medical College and the Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine (TUCOM-CA), students in the Accelerated Master’s Program, two-year discipline-based Master’s programs within each of our basic science departments and the two-year interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences Master’s Program, or applicants who have completed one of these programs, and who seek admission to the Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine (TUCOM-CA) will be guaranteed an interview if they meet certain academic performance benchmarks.
Criteria for Guaranteed Interview:
Students must have applied to TUCOM-CA following the normal procedures specified by TUCOM-CA and have met the following benchmarks:
- MCAT and GPA thresholds:
- MCAT ≥ 500
- For AMP students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.2 (after the Fall semester OR overall GPA for students who have completed the entire course of study)
- For two-year Master’s students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.2 (after completion of three semesters OR overall GPA for students who have completed the entire Master’s course of study)
- Applicants must maintain professional and academic standards of integrity to be considered for interview and admission by TUCOM-CA.
- A supportive recommendation from the Graduate Program Director will be taken into consideration when determining interview eligibility.
- Applicants must specifically identify themselves as NYMC GSBMS graduate students when applying through AACOMAS.
- Applicants accepted prior to completion of the NYMC GSBMS program must complete the program with a GPA of 3.4 or better. Failure to do so may result in the revocation of the TUCOM-CA acceptance.
Criteria for Conditional Admittance:
Students must have applied to TUCOM following the normal procedures specified by TUCOM and have met the following benchmarks:
- MCAT and GPA thresholds:
- MCAT ≥ 505
- For AMP students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.4 (after the Fall semester (January)* OR overall GPA for students who have completed the entire course of study)
- For two-year Master’s students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.4 (after completion of Year One OR overall GPA for students who have completed the entire Master’s course of study)
- Applicants must maintain professional and academic standards of integrity to be considered for admission by TUCOM.
- A supportive recommendation from the Graduate Program Director is required.
- Enrollment in TUCOM is contingent upon the completion of didactic coursework of the GSBMS program in good academic and professional standing.
* GPA ≥ 3.4 must be maintained upon completion of the didactic portion of the program.
The Conditional Admittance Agreement is valid for up to two (2) TUCOM admissions cycles (the year during which the student is enrolled in the final year of the program and the one year following the end of didactic portion of the program).
6. Touro University School of Health Sciences, New York, Physician Assistant Programs
By agreement between the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at New York Medical College and the Touro University School of Health Sciences, New York (Manhattan, Middletown and Long Island campuses), students in the Accelerated Master’s Program, two-year discipline-based Master’s programs within each of our basic science departments and the two-year interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences Master’s Program, or graduates of these programs, and who seek admission to one of the Touro University PA Programs will be guaranteed an interview OR a conditional acceptance pending interview if they meet certain academic performance benchmarks.
Criteria for Guaranteed Interview:
Students must have applied to the PA Programs following the admissions process stated on the School of Health Sciences website and must meet the following criteria:
- For AMP students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.0 (graduate GPA for students who have completed the coursework)
- For two-year Master’s students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.0 (graduate GPA after three complete semesters OR overall GPA for students who have completed the Master’s course of study)
Criteria for Conditional Acceptance Pending Interview:
Students will need to complete a separate application to the PA Programs having met the following benchmarks:
- For AMP students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.3 (graduate GPA for students who have completed the coursework)
- For two-year Master’s students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.3 (graduate GPA after three complete semesters OR overall GPA for students who have completed the Master’s course of study)
- All students must provide proof of the successful completion of all undergraduate prerequisite courses specified as criteria for consideration by the PA Programs.
- Applicants must specifically identify themselves as NYMC GSBMS graduate students when applying through CASPA.
- Matriculation in a PA Program is conditional upon successful completion of the degree at GSBMS.
- Students accepted by the PA Program will be offered the next available seat in either the Manhattan, Middletown, or Long Island Physician Assistant Program class with January or August enrollment.
- All students must maintain professional and academic standards of integrity throughout. GSBMS students must have been in good standing throughout their matriculation at GSBMS to be eligible for this pipeline program. Any course failure or disciplinary or code of conduct issue or otherwise will disqualify such student from this program.
7. Western Atlantic University School of Medicine
By agreement between the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (GSBMS) and the Western Atlantic University School of Medicine (WAUSM), students in the Accelerated Master’s Program, and in the two-year discipline-based Master’s programs within each of our basic sciences departments and the two-year interdisciplinary Biomedical Sciences Master’s Program, or applicants who have completed one of these programs, and who seek admission to the WAUSM will be conditionally admitted if they meet certain academic performance benchmarks.
Criteria for Conditional Admittance:
Students must have applied to the WAUSM following the normal procedures and requirements specified by the WAUSM and have met the following benchmarks:
- MCAT and GPA thresholds:
- MCAT ≥ 490
- For AMP students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.2 (graduate GPA after the Fall semester (January)* OR overall GPA for students who have completed the coursework)
- For two-year Master’s students, graduate GPA ≥ 3.2 (graduate GPA after completion of year-one OR overall GPA for students who have completed the coursework)
Applicants must maintain professional and academic standards of integrity to be considered for admission by WAUSM.
Enrollment in the WAUSM is contingent upon the completion of didactic coursework of the GSBMS program in good academic and professional standing.
* GPA ≥ 3.2 must be maintained upon completion of the didactic portion of the program.