Master's in Pathology
The M.S. in Pathology is focused on the comprehensive study of pathogenic mechanisms of disease. This knowledge and the ability to apply it is essential for the ultimate prevention and cure of all diseases. The educational program for the M.S. degree is designed to foster analytical problem solving within the wide range of the biomedical sciences with particular emphasis on the fundamental disciplines of cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry and immunology.
What is Pathology?
The study of pathology explores the major causes, mechanisms and effects, of disease and plays a central role in translational science, medical practice and innovation. It is a foundation of modern biology research fields, medical practice and diagnosis. Overall, pathology covers four elements of disease: cause/etiology, mechanisms of development, structural alterations of cells/tissues and the consequences of molecular and phenotypic changes.
What Can You Do with a M.S. in Pathology?
A M.S. in Pathology opens up many career opportunities in biomedical research and science management. In addition to roles such as a research laboratory technologist, you can also qualify for supervisory roles as a laboratory manager with proper licensure.
Further Pathology Education
If you want to continue your education, there are further opportunities in medicine and research. To become a senior research scientist or enter higher levels in academia, you’ll need a Ph.D. in Pathology. If you want to work as a physician in the pathology field, such as a clinical or forensic pathologist, you’ll need an M.D. and residency experience.
If you’re interested in pursuing your Ph.D. in Pathology at NYMC, there are few different approaches you can take. You can apply for the program in advanced standing after graduating with your M.S., giving you the majority of your required didactic credits. You can also pursue your Ph.D. without the M.S. by applying to the Integrated Ph.D. Program (IPP).
Core Facilities in the Pathology Department
Core Histology Laboratory
The Core Histology Lab provides routine histology, special staining, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and cryotomy services to researchers throughout the academic community.
Flow Cytometry Laboratory
The Cytometry Core Laboratory of NYMC provides high quality comprehensive services on flow cytometry, fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), and scanning cytometry analyses.
Genomics Core Laboratory
The Genomics Core Lab is established to allow individual investigators access to state-of-the-art genomics equipment. The core conducts Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)-related research and develops a variety of genomics workflows and bioinformatics pipelines to serve the research community for various genomics-related studies.
M.S. in Pathology Program Curriculum
The Pathology M.S. program includes foundational courses in pathology, biochemistry, cell biology and physiology. If you decide to pursue a literature review, you'll also be required to take courses in histology and immunology. Your foundational pathology courses teach you how to take an objective-oriented, problem-solving approach to disease processes like cellular alterations, circulatory disorders and neoplasia. You'll learn to analyze tissue and system-specific diseases, and assess the role of environmental factors in disease development. You'll also receive practical training on diagnostic methodology and the handling of laboratory animals.
For our M.S. programs, you'll have the option to choose an academic track tailored to your goals. Students enrolled in Track A are required to submit a literature review, whereas students in Track B are required to complete an independent research project and submit a research thesis describing their independent research. Students in Track C are trained for a professional career in scientific research and management, and requires a capstone project report summarizing your internship experience. Required courses vary between each track. Visit the Pathology Curriculum page for detailed track information and course descriptions.
We welcome applicants from different academic and professional backgrounds. To be considered for the M.S. program, prior coursework should show above-average academic achievement at the undergraduate level and in any previous work at the graduate level. Strong performance in math and science courses is important, but we do not require specific prerequisites to apply. Apply online after carefully reviewing our application requirements on the M.S. Admissions page.
Pathology Faculty
The Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, is home to expert basic sciences and clinical faculty, many of whom also teach in the School of Medicine. Their extensive experience in health care plays an important role in their teaching and adds valuable perspectives to the study of pathology. Our faculty are also engaged in important research in areas including cancer, inflammatory response, the molecular mechanisms of hypertension, toxicology, and the pathogenesis of renal and vascular damage. In our program, graduate faculty mentors provide guidance for your original laboratory research and our student-faculty ratio allows for plenty of individual attention. Learn more about our knowledgeable and experienced faculty.

Tetyana Cheairs (Kobets), M.D., M.S.P.H.
- tetyana_kobets@nymc.edu
- (914) 594-3105