Policy on Travel and Entertainment Expense Reimbursement

Dated: February 4, 2025
Supersedes: Travel Expense and Reimbursement Policy dated January 5, 2021
Last Review: February 4, 2025


This policy is intended to ensure proper stewardship of New York Medical College (“College” or “NYMC”) funds for authorized business travel and entertainment and to ensure that valid business expenses are reported, recorded, and reimbursed in a consistent manner. The outlined procedures will help members of the NYMC community comply with all applicable rules and regulations while traveling on College business.


NYMC will reimburse staff, faculty and students who incur reasonable and necessary business-related expenses while traveling (“Travelers”) on behalf of the College or in support of sponsored research activities. It is the responsibility of Travelers to ensure that College funds are used reasonably and appropriately and in accordance with any applicable restrictions. All employees of the College are expected to exercise due diligence when generating, reviewing, and approving transactions that commit the College to travel related expenditures. Excessive costs, circuitous routes, excess delays, or luxury accommodations and services unnecessary or unjustified in the performance of College business are not acceptable and will not be reimbursed. Travelers are responsible for excessive costs and any additional expenses incurred for personal preference or convenience. It is the responsibility of Travelers to ensure that reimbursement requests are accurate. Travelers may not authorize reimbursement of their own travel and entertainment expenses. Also, employees may not approve travel and/or entertainment expenses for a Traveler to whom they report.

Approved requests for payments, reimbursements, and settlement of travel advances must be submitted within a reasonable period of time, normally within 30 days of the completion of the travel. Reimbursement requests received more than 90 days after the expense is incurred will not be paid.

Exceptions to this policy (not otherwise covered by laws, grants, or contractual commitments) may be made on an individual basis but require the Traveler to obtain written pre‐approval from the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.


This policy applies to staff, faculty and students seeking reimbursement from NYMC for travel and entertainment, regardless of the source of funds.


A. General:

1. It is the responsibility of the Traveler, and verified by NYMC to ensure:

a. All authorized travel is related to College business or in support of sponsored research.

b. All expenses are actual, allowable, reasonable and necessary.

c. Travel is pre-approved by the Traveler’s direct supervisor as evidenced by a signed Travel and Conference Pre-Approval Form.

d. All expenses comply with Internal Revenue Service regulations.

e. Any exceptions to this policy are justified and documented.

f. Adequate funds are available for expenses.

g. Accurate records are maintained, including departure and return times and mileage.

h. Appropriate documentation is attached to the travel expense reimbursement.

i. Federal cost regulations under the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards from the Office of Management and Budget (Uniform Guidance) are met for all federally funded travel.

2. It is the responsibility of the supervisor/approving individual to:

a. Review and approve all travel and entertainment expenses.

b. Ensure sufficient funds are available in the relevant budget lines.

c. Be familiar with the need for travel prior to approval.

3. The Internal Revenue Service requires the following with regard to reimbursement expenses:

a. There must be a business reason for the expense;

b. The individual must substantiate the expenses; and

c. The individual must return to the employer or organization any amount advanced in excess of substantiated expenses.

B. Statement of Enforcement

1. To be valid and permissible, all expenses must support the mission of the College.

2. Any expense that does not support the mission of the College and does not reflect proper stewardship is considered by the College as non- permissible, regardless of the source of funds, and such requests will not be approved.

3. All expenditures are subject to audit and review by the College.

4. Any disputes regarding this policy should be referred to the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

5. The Vice President and Chief Financial Officer may approve deviations from this policy upon documentation of good cause in accordance with applicable laws.

C. Reimbursable Expenses: If reasonable and necessary, the following are examples of reimbursable expenses (with appropriate supporting documentation):

1. Air and rail travel;

2. Car rental;

3. Change or cancellation penalties imposed by the airlines if due to unavoidable circumstances;

4. Gasoline for rental vehicles;

5. Ground transportation including taxi and metro fares, mileage for personal vehicles, parking fees and tolls;

6. Laundry/dry cleaning during trips longer that five calendar days;

7. Lodging;

8. Meals (per diem rates apply);

9. Registration and fees for attendance at approved conferences and seminars;

10. Taxes associated with transportation and lodging;

11. Telephone fees, faxes and internet access where required for business purposes; and

12. Tips associated with lodging and transportation if customary.

D. Non-Reimbursable Expenses: Non-reimbursable expenses are those expenses that are not related to any activity of the College, are not reasonable and necessary, are not required in carrying out an individual's task or responsibility at work, or do not support the mission of the College. Non-reimbursable expenses include, but are not limited to the following:

1. Alcoholic beverages

2. Automobile repairs

3. Travel and Baggage insurance

4. Childcare

5. Commuting costs to/from home and normal place of business

6. Credit card annual fees

7. Delinquency fees or finance charges on personal credit cards

8. Dues in private clubs

9. Entertainment under federal grants and contracts

10. Frequent flyer and other similar awards for hotel and car rentals

11. Grooming services (i.e. haircuts and shoeshines, etc.)

12. Gym and recreational fees, including massages and saunas

13. In-room movies

14. Medical care

15. Pet care

16. Traffic violation penalties

17. Upgrades (air, hotel, car, etc.)

18. Sightseeing Tours

19. Travel expenses of a spouse or guest accompanying a College staff member, student or faculty member on business travel (unless the travel itself of the spouse is deemed a legitimate NYMC business expense and meets other requirements of this policy)

Questions as to which travel or related business expenditures are reimbursable under a particular grant or contract should be directed to the appropriate Restricted Funds accountant.

E. Transportation

1. Air travel

a. Travelers are expected to choose the lowest-priced, most feasible airfare available, considering the following:

i. Travelers' itinerary and connection times; and

ii.  Restrictions and/or cancellation/change fees.

b. The College will not reimburse first-class or business-class airfares. Business class airfare is permissible only with upgrades for frequent flyer miles provided by the Traveler or paid out of pocket, not seeking reimbursement. While membership fees for frequent flyer clubs are not permissible, Travelers may retain frequent flier miles earned.

c. The College will not reimburse for seat upgrades (Even More Space, Comfort +, etc.).

d. The College will reimburse a maximum of one (1) baggage check-in fee per flight if a free bag is not provided by the airline. Travelers traveling for recruitment purposes and taking recruitment materials may be eligible for one (1) additional baggage check-in fee per flight.

e. The College will reimburse for internet usage during a flight only if it is necessary for business purposes.

f. The College will not reimburse tickets purchased using frequent flyer miles, personal credit vouchers or credit card points.

2. Travel by rail

Rail travel may be used whenever feasible and/or when it is more economical than air travel. Travelers are expected to choose the lowest, most reasonable coach fare available, taking into consideration travel and connection time.

3. Ground transportation

a. Travelers will be reimbursed for ordinary and reasonably priced ground transportation including to and from airports or railroad stations and transportation between the Traveler's hotel and other points of business.

b. Public transportation in metropolitan areas and rideshare options (e.g., Uber, Lyft, taxi) should be used whenever possible to realize greater savings and convenience rather than renting a car. Car services may only be used if prior written approval is given by the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Rental cars should be used only when more cost effective or more feasible than other alternatives.

c. When traveling between campuses, Travelers should use the most cost-effective means of transportation. Travelers will not be reimbursed for travel that is within their routine commute.

4. Personal vehicles

a. Travelers may use personal vehicles for business travel when doing so is less expensive than renting a car or taking a taxi. Valid expenses related to the use of personal vehicles for business travel are reimbursed based on the College’s standard mileage rate, which covers the use of the vehicle and gasoline. The College will reimburse employees using the Senior Management approved rate. If claiming mileage, a “MapQuest” or “Google Maps” (or something similar) is required to document the “To” and “From” destination distance.

b. The College will reimburse personal vehicle mileage only to the extent such costs exceed the normal daily commute to the office.

c. Costs of repairs to personal vehicles during business travel are personal expenses and are not subject to reimbursement.

d. Owners of vehicles used for College business are responsible for ensuring adequate insurance coverage for their protection and for the protection of any passengers. Their personal auto insurance carrier is deemed the primary insurance carrier. NYMC does not protect the driver or the owner against loss resulting from bodily injury or damage to property.

e. Touro University maintains a corporate discount at The Parking Spot. This discount can be used for both corporate and personal travel. The Parking Spot is available at JFK, La Guardia and Newark Airports. You must pre-register to obtain your discount card. Using this card will provide 20% off of long-term parking fees.

5. Rental Cars

a. Costs related to rental cars are deemed valid business expenses when renting a car is most cost effective or more feasible than other transportation options available. Reimbursement will only be made for standard and non-luxury cars.

b. Reimbursable costs include daily rental fee, tolls, GPS and authorized insurance charges.

6. Car Rental Insurance

a. Collision Damage Waiver Insurance (Rental Car): In the U.S. and Canada, Travelers will purchase the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) or Liability Damage Waiver (LDW) insurance offered by the rental agencies. All basic insurance, including collision damage MUST be purchased on all rentals in foreign countries other than Canada.

b. Personal Accident Insurance (PAI): The College will not reimburse Travelers for PAI or other liability insurance offered by domestic rental car agencies, because the College provides coverage.

F. Meals – Per Diem Reimbursement:

1. The College provides reimbursement for meals (and tips related to meals) on a per diem basis.

a. The current per diem rate is $85 per day when overnight business travel is involved.

b. Per Diem Meal Reductions: On the days of travel to or from the destination, per diems should be reduced for the Traveler’s departure and return times, to exclude any meals not incurred during the time of travel using the reduction schedule below. In addition, the College's meal per diem will also be reduced to account for meals furnished at no cost to the Traveler. For example, if meal costs are provided in the cost of a conference, those meals should be deducted from the per diem rate.

c. The amounts for partial reimbursements are:

Breakfast ($15.00) Lunch ($25.00) Dinner ($45.00)

2. Per diem rates presented in this policy represent the maximum per diem reimbursable by the College and are inclusive of tips related to meals. Under this method of reimbursement, there will be no reimbursement of meals charged to the lodging receipt.

3. Receipts and detailed documentation are not required when being reimbursed for meals using the per diem method.

G. Entertainment:

1. Entertainment may be claimed if it is for the purpose of advancing the mission of the College, it is within the bounds of good taste, moderation, and legal requirements and the cost is within reasonable limits. The receipts must specify the name of all participants, their relationship to NYMC and the reason for entertaining. The cost of alcoholic beverages is not reimbursable. Entertainment expenses should receive prior written approval from the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, when possible.

2. Examples of business entertainment include:

a. Reception for College guests and visitors;

b. Alumni reunions or similar alumni functions;

c. Entertaining donors or prospective donors; and

d. Welcoming receptions for parents and students

3. Restaurant receipts showing only a total charge are not acceptable documentation of entertainment expenses.

H. Lodging

1. Travelers on College business are expected to stay in a standard room at a hotel that is on or close to the location of business. Costs that are charged to the hotel room, other than meal charges, are valid and reimbursable if they are related or necessary to College business and are reasonable. The final itemized hotel bill, which reflects all charges made to the room, is required for reimbursement. Allowable cost for the room is the single room rate plus tax unless the Traveler is sharing a room with another staff, faculty or student also on authorized College travel. If the lodging receipt states multiple occupancy, the Traveler must indicate either the single room rate on the receipt or provide the name(s) of the College Traveler(s) sharing the lodging. If all occupants are on approved College travel and under the same funding source, only one charge should be submitted on a travel expense report.

2. The College's general guideline is that total expenses for lodging should not exceed $300 per day excluding taxes and fees, unless pre‐approved by the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

3. Conference packages are allowable if supported by confirmation receipts showing all-inclusive rates (registration, hotel, meals, airfare, etc.).

4. Alternative forms of lodging (such as Air BNB) are allowable as long as they do not exceed the $300 per day excluding taxes and fees.

5. If attending a conference, the College will generally reimburse the cost of staying at the “conference hotel” unless the rate is substantially in excess of reasonable hotels in the area. In order to be reimbursed, you need prior approval and evidence that the rate paid is within range for that area at that point in time. When reservations are booked "guaranteed late arrival", Travelers are responsible for all hotel "no show" charges unless mitigating circumstances prevail.

I. Payment Methods

Business travel and entertainment expenses for official College business should be paid with a personal charge card or cash. Please contact the Purchasing Department if you need an alternative payment method. For reimbursement, please submit these expenses with receipts in the Expenses Module in TouroOne Buy/Unimarket.

J. Travel Advances

1. The College allows a reasonable advance which is intended for anticipated expenses. The Vice President and Chief Financial Officer has the sole and absolute discretion whether or not to approve travel advances. All travel advance requests must be submitted to the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer using the Travel Advance Request form (Appendix E).

2. Travel advances will not be issued for expenses which can be made prior to travel (i.e., airfare, lodging, conference registration). Travelers may contact the Purchasing Department for any pre-travel expenses.

3. Support must be provided for the amount of the requested travel advance.

4. Travel advances will not be issued to non-employees.

5. Request for advances must be received at least ten (10) business days before the advance is required.

6. Recipients of travel advances will be required to sign a Cash Advance Agreement (Appendix B).Travel advances must be accounted for in the reimbursement request. Failure to account for travel advances within the required time frame may result in denial of future travel advances.

7. Travel advances are an advance of any employee’s wages. Any advances not accounted for within 90 days of the end of travel may be deducted from an employee’s salary. A new travel advance will not be authorized until all previous advances are closed out.

8. In the event an employee is separated from the College prior to their trip, the employee is obligated to fully reimburse NYMC for any travel advance outstanding.

K. Cancellations/Refunds

1. Tickets that have been personally purchased for future business trips that are subsequently cancelled may be reimbursed, provided the reason for cancellation is beyond the Traveler's control.Cancellation fees incurred due to Travelers' negligence are not deemed valid business expenses and are therefore not reimbursable.

2. Unused tickets have a cash value and must not be discarded or destroyed. The Traveler is responsible for contacting the airline or booking agent about future use of such tickets. In the event the Traveler separates from the College without using the unused ticket, the Traveler must reimburse the College for the amount of the ticket.

3. In the event any reimbursed expenses are refunded by a vendor to the Traveler, it is the responsibility of the Traveler to promptly notify the College and repay the amount.

L. Travel Insurance:

1. Business Travel Insurance: All College employees are covered in case of accidental death or dismemberment while traveling internationally on College business.

2. Workers Compensation Insurance: Employees injured while working on a business trip are covered for medical expenses and lost wages by Workers Compensation Insurance. Contact Human Resources as soon as possible to file an accident report and obtain further instruction. Failure to promptly report an injury may compromise a claim. Injuries sustained while not working, though an employee may be away from home on business travel, are not covered by Workers Compensation Insurance.

3. Flight Insurance: Flight insurance purchased by Travelers is not a reimbursable expense.

4. Personal Automobiles: Travelers using personal automobiles to travel on official College business must maintain liability insurance for their protection and for the protection of any passengers.

5. Other Personal Property: The College will not be responsible for loss or damage to personal property while a Travelers is traveling on official College business.

M. Documentation

1. All requests for reimbursement must be submitted with the signed Travel and Conference Pre-Approval Form and receipts using the Expenses Module in TouroOneBuy/Unimarket. In the event a Traveler does not have a receipt, they must fill out a Missing Receipt Form. (Appendix D) Travelers can submit up to two Missing Receipt forms per trip/reimbursement. If the Traveler is submitting a receipt for an NYMC group meal, the receipt must specify the name and department of all participants. NYMC will not reimburse for alcoholic beverages. Restaurant receipts showing only a total charge are not acceptable receipts.

2. Any written approvals required under this policy must be attached to the Traveler’s reimbursement request.

N. Sabbath Holiday Stay: NYMC takes into consideration the religious observances of its staff, students and faculty and provides accommodations when necessary. Requests for religious-based adjustments to travel itineraries should be submitted for pre-approval to the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

O. Sponsored Programs

1. Domestic and foreign travel charged to a sponsored program should follow the guidelines set forth in this policy unless the funding agency imposes greater restrictions.

2. All travel advances and/or reimbursement requests for domestic and foreign travel on sponsored research projects must have sufficient justification by the Traveler and approval from the Dean of the respective School of the College and comply with the terms and conditions of the sponsored research award. This includes compliance with the Fly America Act for foreign travel on federal awards.

3. Domestic travel includes travel within and among the United States and its territories and possessions.

4. Foreign travel requires pre-approval by the Chancellor. Since sponsors' regulations vary, principal investigators should be familiar with those that are applicable to their projects.

5. When traveling on federally funded projects, Travelers may request the hotel's government rate. A letter from the project sponsor may be required upon check-in to confirm funding source.

6. If traveling internationally on federal grants or contracts, a United States flag carrier must be used. For specific federal guidelines on this issue, click here on the gsa.gov website for details. Prior approval from the Purchasing Office should be obtained if someone needs to deviate from this policy.

7. Federal regulations (and where sponsors so dictate) prohibit the reimbursement of alcoholic beverages with federal funds under any circumstances.

Any questions regarding travel or entertainment on federal grants or contracts should be directed to the Purchasing Office.


This policy is effective immediately.


Executive Stakeholder: Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Oversight Office: Accounts Payable