Genomics Lab

The Genomics Core Laboratory in the Department of Pathology is established to house both basic and translational genomics research, allow individual investigators access to state-of-the-art next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, conduct genomics experiments and bioinformatics analyses, and provide opportunities for education and training in genomics and bioinformatics.


The Genomics Core Laboratory hosts a variety of instruments for carrying out genomics research. These instruments include, but are not limited to:

  • Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer for flurometric quantification of DNA, RNA and protein
  • Bioanalyzer 2100 for quantification, size and purity assessment of DNA, RNA and protein
  • TapeStation 4200 for quantification, size and purity assessment of DNA, RNA and protein
  • BluePippin for DNA size selection/collection ranged from 100 bp to 50 kb with pulse-field
  • Stratagene Mx3005P for real-time quantitative PCR
  • SpectraMax Gemini XPS microplate reader for fluorescence intensity assays
  • Biomek FXp automated workstation for high-throughput liquid handling and workflow
  • MiSeq for single- or paired-end short-read sequencing ranged from 50 bp to 300 bp
  • NextSeq 550 for single- or paired-end short-read sequencing ranged from 50 bp to 150 bp

The Genomics Core Laboratory mainly uses the Illumina MiSeq and NextSeq two sequencing systems as the NGS platform. The specifications of MiSeq and NextSeq are demonstrated in the table below.

Measure MiSeq Reagent v2 MiSeq Reagent v3
Read Length 1 x 50 bp 2 x 250 bp 2 x 75 bp 2 x 300 bp
Total Time ~5.5 hrs ~39 hrs ~21 hrs ~56 hrs
Reads 12-15 million 22-25 million
Output 0.75-0.85 Gb 7.5-8.5 Gb 3.3-3.8 Gb 13.2-15 Gb
Measure NextSeq Mid-Output NextSeq High-Output
Read Length 2 x 75 bp 2 x 150 bp 2 x 75 bp 2 x 150 bp
Total Time ~15 hrs ~26 hrs ~18 hrs ~29 hrs
Reads up to 130 million up to 400 million
Output 16.25-19.5 Gb 32.5-39 Gb 50-60 Gb 100-120 Gb


The Genomics Core Laboratory provides and supports a variety of NGS services and their following bioinformatics data analyses. Consultation before services is freely available and is strongly recommended.

The NGS services include:

  • Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)
  • Whole Exome Sequencing (WES)
  • Target gene panel sequencing
  • Whole Transcriptome Sequencing (RNAseq)
  • Small RNA (or microRNA) sequencing
  • Metagenomics or metatranscriptomics sequencing of microbiome
  • sequencing with chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP-seq)
  • sequencing RNA-binding protein immunoprecipitation (RIP-seq)
  • other custom-designed sequencings

The bioinformatics services include:

  • de novo assembly of genome/transcriptome
  • alignment- and mapping-based analysis of genetic variants
  • differential expression analysis of genes/microRNAs
  • pathway and network analysis of genes
  • species detection & gene identification in microbiome study
  • others with custom’s instruction and/or request

Core Pricing

Consultation for the total cost of planned service is thus strongly recommended. Since the bioinformatics services are free of charge, a courtesy from the Genomics Core Laboratory, the co-authorship in your publications is greatly appreciated.

NA1:E58extSeq 550 Service Internal External
Mid-Output 150 bp sequencing (2x75 bp) $1,297 $1,362
Mid-Output 300 bp sequencing (2x150 bp) $2,090 $2,195
High-Output 150 bp sequencing (2x75 bp) $3,410 $3,581
High-Output 300 bp sequencing (2x150 bp) $5,462 $5,735
MiSeq Service Internal External
V2, 50 bp sequencing (1x50 bp) $980 $1,029
V2, 500 bp sequencing (2x250 bp) $1,410 $1,481
V3, 150 bp sequencing (2x75 bp) $1,088 $1,142
V3, 600 bp sequencing (2x300 bp) $1,841 $1,933
Library Prep Service Internal External
TruSeq mRNA (polyT purification) $160 $192
TruSeq mRNA (RiboZero purification) $275 $330
TruSeq small RNA $300 $360
Nextera XT $100 $120
Others Service Internal External
Bioanalyzer 2100 (DNA or RNA, per sample) $15 $20
TapStation 4200 (DNA or RNA, per sample) $12 $15
BluePippin (size selection, per sample) $25 $30
Stratagene Mx3005p Real-time PCR inquire inquire
Spectramax Gemini XPS inquire inquire
Fluorometer 96-well inquire inquire
Biomek FXp (automation system) inquire inquire

Visit, Consults and Service Requests

Genomics Core Laboratory is located at Basic Sciences Building Room 409 at Pathology Department. Investigators are welcome to visit, consult and request services of genomics and bioinformatics. Please contact Dr. Brahmaraju Mopidevi for an appointment. Services will be provided based upon the request order received.


Ravi Sachidanandam, Ph.D.
Director, Genomics Core Lab
Dept. of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Basic Sciences Building Room 408
Phone: (516) 527-4452

Lab Leadership

Humayun Islam, M.D., Ph.D.
Chairman of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Basic Sciences Building Room 413
Phone: (914) 594-4150
Fax: (914) 594-4163