Lipidomics and Mass Spectrometry Core

The Lipidomics and Mass Spectrometry Core is located in the Department of Pharmacology and provides support for faculty and student researchers both here at New York Medical College and at other institutions and private companies. Our staff provides a wide range of expertise and will work with you during the planning and protocol development stages to ensure excellent results. We can also provide figures to assist in manuscript preparation.

The LC-MS/MS allows for quantification and identification of lipid mediators from biological matrices as it is both highly selective and sensitive without the need for time consuming derivation. Our newest ultra sensitive instrument, a Shimadzu LC MS-8050, is equipped with a UPLC and auto-sampler. Other instruments include an AB Sciex 3200 Qtrap system which is equipped with an Agilent HPLC and auto-sampler (3200-Qtrap); this model is sensitive enough for most applications. We are able to run a large amount of samples overnight because of our gas generators from PEAK Scientific Parker Balston. Sensitivity differs between analytes and depends on sample matrix; however we generally can detect 0.1 to 1 pg of standards on column.

We can detect both free and esterified fatty acids (after a hydrolysis step). Our current list of lipid mediators include:

  • the arachidonic acid (AA)-derived eicosanoids
  • docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
  • eicosapentaenoic (EPA)-derived resolvins, protectins, and maresins also collectively called specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs)

You can see the full list of compounds below. We are constantly updating this list and can design specialized customs methods for almost any fatty acid.

The GC/MS system (Agilent 6890N/5973) has been set up for carbon monoxide (CO) analyses in samples from in vitro and in vivo studies.

We ask that all users please acknowledge the NYMC Lipidomics & Mass Spectrometry Core in your publications.


Cyclooxygenase Products [M-H]
PG F2a 333
8-iso PG F2a 353
PG D2 351
PG E2 351
Lipoxygenase Eicosanoids [M-H]
LXA4 351
LXB4 351
5,15-diHETE 335
5,12-diHETE 335
12-OxoETE 335
5-OxoETE 317
12-HETrE 321
15-HETrE 321
15-HETE 319
12-HETE 319
5-HETE 319
Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators (SPMs) [M-H]
Protectin D1 359
Maresin 1 359
Maresin 2 359
Resolvin D5 359
Resolvin D1 375
Resolvin D2 375
Resolvin D3 375
17-HDHA 343
14-HDHA 343
13-HDHA 343
7-HDHA 343
4-HDHA 343
CYP450 Eicosanoids [M-H]
14,15-DiHETrE 337
11,12-DiHETrE 337
8,9-DiHETrE 337
5,6-DiHETrE 337
14(15)-EET 319
11(12)-EET 319
8(9)-EET 319
5(6)-EET 319
20-HETE 319
19-HETE 319
18-HETE 319


Both the LC-MS/MS and GC/MS services are available as a fee for service. The cost per sample depends on sample work-up needed and how many analytes you wish to quantify. Please e-mail us for exact estimate.

Service Type Internal External
1-8 analytes $125/sample $85/sample
Esterified (requires hydrolysis) $145/sample $105/sample
>8 analytes $165/sample $105/sample
Esterified (requires hydrolysis) $185/sample $125/sample

Addition of internal standards, lipid extraction, data acquisition and complete data analysis in the form of tables and graphs.


Brendon Naicker, Core Manager
Basic Sciences Building Room 509D
Phone: (914) 594-4939

Michal L. Schwartzman, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair of the Department of Pharmacology