Campus Collaborative Research
Campus Collaborative Research (CCR) is a collaboration between the School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP), the Institute of Public Health and the School of Medicine (SOM). Staff are trained in a range of relevant fields, including:
- clinical epidemiology
- population health
- biostatistics
- data management
- library science
- technical writing.
We offer guidance toward a full spectrum of research support services for both students and career professionals to advance clinical and/or population research.
Our mission is to create a culture of scientific collaboration based on mutual respect, trust and patience. Our goal is for students and professionals to develop the necessary skills and discernment to become producers of the highest quality clinical and population research. We serve as guides and coaches so that researchers may learn to independently support their teams and continue gaining experience in a variety of areas, including use of national databases, systematic reviews, metanalyses, descriptive analyses and experimental research.
How Can We Help You...
- Meet your research-related educational objectives
- Develop your research design
- Develop your survey/questionnaire
- Determine the needed sample size
- Develop your analytic plan
- Analyze your data and interpret the results
- Prepare manuscripts and reports
Research Methods Support
- Study design and/or implementation plan for the following type studies:
- Ecological
- Case Control
- Cohort
- Clinical trials
- Surveys
- Outcome evaluation
- Data management
- Questionnaire/survey design
Biostatistical Support
- Sample size/power calculations
- Analytic plan
- Data analysis and synthesis of data
- Date interpretation and presentation
Educational Support
- Grant/proposal development
- Research design and biostatistics and epidemiology lectures/educational seminars
CCR provides research support services to internal and external audiences:
- NYMC students, residents, and early career professionals with unfunded projects. Services are provided for unfunded projects at no cost.
- Health Care professionals within the Hudson Valley who have funded research. For funded, professional research, services are provided on a contract basis. Contact us for pricing.
Kenneth A. Knapp, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor
Department of Public Health
New York Medical College
School of Health Sciences and Practice
Email: public_health@nymc.edu
Tel: (914) 594-2043