Denton Brosius, M.A., Ph.D.

Denton Brosius, M.A., Ph.D., joined NYMC in 1994 as coordinator of the Regional Lead Poisoning Prevention Resource Center in the Department of Pediatrics and instructor of environmental health sciences in the School of Graduate Health Sciences. In 1997, he was instrumental in the establishment of the graduate program in health informatics and was appointed assistant professor and associate director of the program. In 2001, Dr. Brosius was instrumental in the development of the first eLearning program at the school and served as coordinator of the program until 2007. In 2009, he was appointed associate professor of public health and biostatistics in the School of Public Health. In addition to his extensive teaching responsibilities in Health Analytics and Biostatistics, Dr. Brosius has served as the chair of the evaluation committee since 2009 and has played a key role in data analytics support of the school's public health accreditation by CEPH.
- Ph.D., Biology, Clark University
Honors and Awards
- Pfizer Graduate Fellowship in Neurosciences, Clark University, 1978.
- Jonas Clark Scholar, Clark University, 1977 – 1983.
- International Nickel Scholarship, Rockland Community College, 1972.
- Brosius DC, Hackett JT, Tuttle JB, et. al. "Ca(2+)-independent and Ca(2+)-dependent stimulation of quantal neurosecretion in avian ciliary ganglion neurons." Journal of neurophysiology, 68(4), (1992) 1229-34.
- Hackett JT, Cochran SL, Greenfield LJ Jr, et. al. "Synapsin I injected presynaptically into goldfish mauthner axons reduces quantal synaptic transmission." Journal of neurophysiology, 63(4), (1990) 701-6.
- Brosius DC, Hackett JT, Tuttle JB, et. al. "Presynaptic calcium currents evoking quantal transmission from avian ciliary ganglion neurons." Synapse (New York, N.Y.), 5(4), (1990) 313-23.
Professional Service
- Chair, School of Health Sciences and Practice Evaluation Committee, 2009 – Present
- Co-chair, Ad-Hoc Committee: Developing Professional Skills in Public Health Students, 2017 – Present
- Chair, Ad-Hoc Committee on Student Appeals, 2016 – Present
- Graduate Admissions Committee, 2014 – Present
- Broome County, NY, consultant on epidemiological studies of pediatric lead poisoning, childhood obesity, and the development of an EpiInfo-based tracking system for foodborne outbreaks, 2006 – Present
Teaching Responsibilities
- Introduction to Biostatistics (on campus and online)
- Statistics in Clinical Research
- Statistical Computing
- Introduction to SAS programming
- Introduction to Data Management and Analysis
- Database Management Systems
- Introduction to Geographic Information Systems in Public Health