Maureen Kennedy, M.S. '04, Dr.P.H. '11, CPH

Shortly after 9/11 and prior to becoming a full-time faculty at New York Medical College, Maureen Kennedy, M.S. '04, Dr.P.H. '11, played a significant role in establishing, validating, and managing a BSL3 bio-defense laboratory designed to serve and protect New York State’s Lower Hudson Valley region. Following the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, her epidemiological skills were put to further use while working in health outcomes research analyzing chronic diseases and evaluating health services utilization.
Dr. Kennedy's research and services while at New York Medical College are extensive. She has engaged in successful analytical epidemiological research in infectious diseases including accurately determining the origin of a nosocomial bacterial outbreak and served as a lead analyst to quantitatively identify and measure specific risks associated with bacterial transmission amongst intravenous drug users residing in a NYC community. She assisted with planning COVID-19 screening of employees, personnel, and students at New York Medical College. Dr. Kennedy has served as an analyst and consultant serving a Westchester County community project evaluating adolescent substance use, which was funded by the Office of National Drug Control Policy. She has also served as a program evaluator for a local social service program. Dr. Kennedy has been a member of numerous NYMC committees to help advance academic programs and she remains engaged in course review and development for the M.P.H. epidemiology program at the School of Health Sciences and Practice.
Dr. Kennedy is a member and supporter of the American Public Health Association (APHA), New York State Public Health Association (NYSPHA), and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE).
- M.S. '04, Epidemiology, New York Medical College
- Dr.P.H. '11, Epidemiology, New York Medical College
Recent Presentations
- 2020: APHA 148th Annual Meeting and Exposition; ‘Prevalence and Trends of Hypertension in United States (US) Adults from 2005 to 2018: An NHANES Study’
Professional Service
- Chair of New York Medical College School of Health Sciences and Practice Curriculum Committee (2018-2022)
- Regional Vice President for the New York Medical College Executive Board of the Faculty Senate (2017-2022)
Teaching Responsibilities
- Introduction to Epidemiology
- Fundamentals of Infectious Disease Epidemiology
- Methods in Infectious Disease Epidemiology
- Advanced Epidemiology I
- Advanced Epidemiology II
- SAS Application to Epidemiological Studies
- Epidemiology Capstone