Kristina M. Welsome, D.P.T., M.S., PT, OCS, CFMT, MTC, NBC-HWC

From the start, with her Master's thesis on patient education, Kristina M. Welsome, D.P.T., M.S., PT, OCS, CFMT, MTC, NBC-HWC, has focused on the education and empowerment of the people she works with. During her career, she has sought out additional education and training in physical therapy examination, intervention, and education to enhance her functional and manual therapy skills to provide more efficient patient care.
Dr. Welsome has been at NYMC since 2008 as a lab instructor and problem-based learning tutor in the Physical Therapy Program. She assisted in Kinesiology, Introduction to Clinical Gait Analysis, Advanced Gait Analysis, Motor Control and Learning, Orthopedics I and II, Neurology, Cardiopulmonary and Health & Wellness courses. Dr. Welsome has guest lectured on Women’s Health Issues, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation and Taping Techniques. She was appointed to the full-time faculty in 2013 and is responsible for the Exercise Science, Cardiopulmonary, Introduction to Clinical Gait and Health and Wellness courses. Dr. Welsome's areas of research include breathing, coccygodynia, postural alignment, gait, and running gait.
- B.S., Athletic Training, San Diego State University
- M.S., Physical Therapy, Columbia University
- D.P.T., University of St. Augustine
- Health Sciences
- Capstone: Physical Therapy Examination and Management of Coccygodynia
Areas of Expertise
- OCS (Clinical Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy), American Board of PT Specialties
- CFMT (Certified Functional Manual Therapist) Institute of Physical Art
- MTC (Manual Therapist Certified) University of St. Augustine
- NBC-HWC (National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach)
Honors and Awards
- Alpha Eta Society, Member Honorary Society in Allied Health 2017
- NYMC SHSP Outstanding Teacher Award
- Breathing Pattern Dysfunction
- Coccygodynia
- Postural Alignment
- Prevention of Running Related Injury
- Personality, Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Programs
Professional Service
- Health & Wellness Community Service Group
- Running Related Injury Prevention - Westchester County Police Academy
- Peer Reviewer Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (JBMT)
- Race for Rehab - NYMC PT Department
- APTA National PT Month - NYMC PT Department
- Rockland County Concussion Management Task Force
- West Point Boot Fit Day US Military Academy
- NYMC Student Sports Medicine Interest Group Advisor,
- NYMC School of Health Science and Practice Student Affairs Committee
- NYMC Academic Policy Committee
- NYMC Curriculum Committee
- NYMC NICE (A Narrative Identification and Consensus Experience) Committee
- NYMC SLP Academic Integrity Committee
Memberships and Affiliations
- American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
- New York Physical Therapy Association
Teaching Responsibilities
- Kinesiology (Gait Component)
- Biomechanical Analysis of Human Gait (Running Gait Component)
- Clinical Applications of Research (DPT Student advisement)
- Exercise Science
- Professional Practice II – Practice Management
- Physical Therapy in Health, Prevention and Wellness
- Doctoral Project (DPT student advisement)
- Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation in PT 6012 Clinical Science in Physical Therapy 1 Cardiopulmonary & Integumentary and Clinical Science in Physical Therapy II Neuro and Orthopedic Component
- Psychologically Informed Physical Therapy Content throughout Curriculum