Ferdousi Zaman, M.A., M.S.S.C.

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Ferdousi Zaman, M.A., M.S.S.C., has a diverse background working with organizations such as Brij M. Sharma Physician P.C., Action Against Hunger, the World Health Organization, and Central Michigan University. 

Ms. Zaman has authored several research publications, including studies on the cost-effectiveness of HPV vaccination in Bangladesh and the impact of remittances on food security. She has been recognized for her research excellence, receiving the Best Paper Award at the Global Business and Technology Association conference in 2023 for her work titled "Electronic Health Records: The Wonders and the Worries." 


Dhaka, Bangladesh

Graduate School(s)

Central Michigan University, University of Dhaka

Focus Area/Interests

  • Cost-effectiveness of HPV vaccinations
  • Food Security 

Career Experience

  • Contributed to public health initiatives and enhanced operational efficiency
