Speech Language Pathology Curriculum
Upon completion of the M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology curriculum and fulfillment of the clinical fellowship after graduation, graduates:
- meet the educational requirements for the Certificate in Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- meet the academic and clinical requirements for licensure from the New York State Office of Professions Division of Professional Licensing Service and Initial Certification as Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD) in New York.
We are committed to evidence-based and ethical practice in the delivery of speech-language and swallowing services in healthcare facilities and other professional settings. The curriculum focuses on an integration of research and clinical application across academic and clinical coursework.
Year 1
SLPM 6001: Foundations of Speech, Language, and Cognition (2 credits)
This course examines the normal development of phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics in children’s communication in the context of monolingual and bilingual populations. A comprehensive review of the theories of language development, acquisition, cultural and environmental factors contributing to language development will be provided. This information will establish a foundation for effective evaluation of both normal and disordered language as well as provide an understanding of how language affects academic achievement as well as social and emotional development
SLPM 6004: Advanced Anatomy of the Speech and Hearing Mechanisms (4 credits)
The anatomy of speech and swallow is examined in detail. Students will develop an appreciation of how the relevant body systems (chest, lungs, heart, abdomen, neck, cranial cavity, cranial nerves, etc.) contribute to the speech, swallowing, and breathing mechanisms. This is achieved through an integrated didactic and laboratory experience. Students use cadaver dissection to reinforce concepts and help them gain a three dimensional understanding of the interplay of processes resulting in normal as well as abnormal function.
SLPM 6008: Speech Sound Disorders (3 credits)
This course surveys the theory, clinical effects, and management of phonological disorders related to native and second language acquisition. It also examines the management of articulatory disorders of a nonlinguistic character. Training in the use of the International Phonetic Alphabet to transcribe speech sounds is an important component of this course. Students develop facility in transcribing English as well as disordered speech.
SLPM 6009: Language Disorders of Children (3 credits)
This course examines the etiology of childhood disorders of language and communication as well as theoretical and practical approaches to the assessment and remediation of these disorders. Students gain knowledge of the influence of language and culture on the habilitation/rehabilitation of childhood language disorders.
SLPM 6010: Diagnostic Methods and Clinical Processes (3 credits)
This course examines theoretical and practical applications of current practices in the assessment and management of speech, language, and swallowing disorders across the lifespan. The primary focus is on assessment and intervention principles and practices that are applicable to a broad spectrum of individuals and disorders. The course emphasizes the development of skill in professional report writing. Lab sessions provide practical experience in administering and scoring formal and informal assessments, as well as developing appropriate assessment protocols for a variety of populations. Issues of cultural sensitivity, non-biased assessment and bilingualism are also introduced.
SLPM 6014: Dysphagia (3 credits)
This course provides a thorough understanding of normal swallow physiology and its related disorders across the lifespan. Etiological factors are reviewed. Instrumental diagnostic techniques are introduced, with strong emphasis on videofluoroscopy and nasoendoscopy. Further emphasis is given to multiple management issues in general, as well as by varied cultural groups. Evidence-based practice issues are incorporated into all aspects of the course. Interdisciplinary approaches to the assessment and treatment of swallowing disorders are discussed. Course includes several practical assignments and clinical observations.
SLPM 6029: Seminar in Early Intervention (2 credits)
Seminar surveys the characteristics of infants, toddlers, and preschool children with, or at risk of developing, disabilities; working with families through various types of services while considering cultural and linguistic variables; providing parent training and support; the development of trans-disciplinary teams, the role of team members, and the development of teaming skills. Consultation, collaboration, and communication with other professionals and parents are covered in this course.
SLPM 6032: Neuroscience (3 credits)
This course is designed to provide a foundation in the fundamentals of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology. Normal and disordered function will be addressed in the context of speech, language and cognition.
SLPM 6033: External Practicum: Supplemental (1 credit)
Registration for clinical practicum experiences is required during each semester. Students participate in a minimum of two internal clinical rotations at our on-campus clinic. Upon successful completion of the internal rotations, students participate in three different off-campus clinical rotations at hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, or private practices. Students must receive a passing grade in each practicum rotation in order to continue to the next practicum experience. Selected pediatric clock hours within these experiences may be counted toward the school based practica requirement for teacher certification.
External Practicum: Supplemental is offered for students who require an additional clinical experience.
SLPM 6040: Internal Practicum I (1 credit)
Registration for clinical practicum experiences is required during each semester. Students participate in a minimum of two internal clinical rotations at our on-campus clinic. Upon successful completion of the internal rotations, students participate in three different off-campus clinical rotations at hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, or private practices. Students must receive a passing grade in each practicum rotation in order to continue to the next practicum experience. Selected pediatric clock hours within these experiences may be counted toward the school based practica requirement for teacher certification.
SLPM 6041: Internal Practicum II (1 credit)
Registration for clinical practicum experiences is required during each semester. Students participate in a minimum of two internal clinical rotations at our on-campus clinic. Upon successful completion of the internal rotations, students participate in three different off-campus clinical rotations at hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, or private practices. Students must receive a passing grade in each practicum rotation in order to continue to the next practicum experience. Selected pediatric clock hours within these experiences may be counted toward the school based practica requirement for teacher certification.
SLPM 6044: External Practicum (1 credit)
Registration for clinical practicum experiences is required during each semester. Students participate in a minimum of two internal clinical rotations at our on-campus clinic. Upon successful completion of the internal rotations, students participate in three different off-campus clinical rotations at hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, or private practices. Students must receive a passing grade in each practicum rotation in order to continue to the next practicum experience. Selected pediatric clock hours within these experiences may be counted toward the school based practica requirement for teacher certification.
SLPM 6045: Seminar in Professional Issues and Ethics I (1 credit)
This seminar series includes discussion of the scope of practice in speech-language pathology and professionalism with a focus on supervision. Professional and ethical standards of practice are reinforced with a consideration of cultural differences. Perspectives on speech-language pathology relative to public health issues are covered.
SLPM 6062: Management of Medical Patients I (2 credits)
This three-part seminar course introduces students to the scope of speech-language pathology practice in medical settings. It provides familiarity with speech-language cognitive and swallowing disorders commonly encountered in medical settings; as well as medically-oriented diagnostic, treatment and reporting practices. Students will also acquire familiarity with equipment and terminology employed in medical settings, and with elements of pathophysiology and pharmacology associated with speech-language disorders in medical settings. Specific content will include infection control practices, exposure to critical care units and pertinent equipment, working with laryngectomized individuals and gaining familiarity with tracheo-esophageal puncture and one-way valves, working with patients that are ventilator-dependent with/without speaking valves, understanding of syndromology and cranio-facial anomalies in the context of feeding/swallowing and communication. In addition, specific public health issues will be addressed, including: reimbursement practices, impact on clinical practice in a variety of settings, collaboration with other professionals.
SLPM 6066: Speech Science (3 credits)
This course encompasses an advanced study of the physiological functions responsible for the production of speech and the acoustic correlates of those functions. Topics include respiratory kinematics, phonatory dynamics, models of speech production and perception.
SLPM 6069: Research Methods in Communication Disorders (2 credits)
This course is designed to help students learn to critically analyze research in communication sciences and disorders. Critiques will include consideration of statistical analyses, subject selection criteria, ethics, strength of evidence, and potential fatal flaws. Writing skill will be developed through the APA practice and annotated bibliographies and outlines, and will culminate in a formal PICO statement with supporting evidence.
SLPM 6071: Clinical Methods I (1 credit)
This course is designed to help students learn to critically analyze research in communication sciences and disorders. Critiques will include consideration of statistical analyses, subject selection criteria, ethics, strength of evidence, and potential fatal flaws. Writing skill will be developed through the APA practice and annotated bibliographies and outlines, and will culminate in a formal PICO statement with supporting evidence.
SLPM 6072: Clinical Methods II (1 credit)
This course examines practical applications of current assessment and evidence-based treatment processes of speech-language/cognitive communication disorders. The primary focus is on principles and practices that are applicable to a broad spectrum of individuals and disorders. The course emphasizes the PICO framework (i.e., person, intervention, contrasting intervention, outcome) in the overarching principles and sequences of the assessment and intervention processes as well as the development of skills in professional writing.
SLPM 6073: Clinical Methods III (1 credit)
This course examines practical applications of current assessment and evidence-based treatment processes of speech-language/cognitive communication disorders. The primary focus is on principles and practices that are applicable to a broad spectrum of individuals and disorders. The course emphasizes the PICO framework (i.e., person, intervention, contrasting intervention, outcome) in the overarching principles and sequences of the assessment and intervention processes as well as the development of skills in professional writing.
Year 2
SLPM 6011: Voice Disorders (2 credits)
This course addresses methods of evaluating and remediating voice problems in children and adults that result from a disturbance or disruption in laryngeal function, including disorders caused by neurological conditions, phonotrauma, psychological factors and non-neurological organic processes. Cultural differences and preferences are considered.
SLPM 6012: Fluency Disorders (3 credits)
The course reviews contemporary theories pertaining to the nature, etiology, and treatment of disfluent speech. Factors to consider in differential diagnosis and prognosis are also considered. Therapeutic principles and management procedures for pre-school and school-aged children and adults are studied.
SLPM 6013: Neuromotor Speech Disorders (3 credits)
This course uses the background provided in Neuroscience to provide a thorough grounding in the neuropathologies of acquired and congenital motor speech disorders (the various forms of dysarthria and apraxia of speech). Using this grounding, the student will study rationales and procedures for the differential diagnosis and treatment of these disorders. Students will develop proficiency in the neurological examination as it pertains to speech and swallowing functions.
SLPM 6019: Adult Neurogenic Language Disorders (3 credits)
This course addresses the nature, assessment and remediation of language and communication disorders associated with syndromes of aphasia. Students gain knowledge of the effects of language and culture on the rehabilitation of adult-onset language disorders.
SLPM 6020: Adult Neurogenic Cognitive Disorders (3 credits)
This course reviews the nature, assessment, and remediation of cognitive, perceptual, and communication disorders associated with traumatic brain injury, right hemisphere dysfunction, and dementia. Associated nonlinguistic disorders such as coma, agitation, and neglect are considered. Discussions include cross-cultural and lifespan considerations in communication and the management of communication disorders.
SLPM 6031: Seminar in Counseling (2 credits)
This seminar surveys major approaches to counseling within the context of communication disorders. Students examine the emotional and practical issues pertaining to the full range of communication disorders across the lifespan as they affect patients and their caregivers. Students study interviewing and counseling techniques for individuals, families and groups. The implications of multicultural and linguistic diversity for effective counseling are considered throughout the course. Ethical and professional issues relevant to counseling are brought into vivid focus as they are discussed in the context of students’ clinical experiences. At the close of the course, each student presents counseling information and resources pertaining to specific communication disorders.
SLPM 6035: School-based Speech-Language-Hearing Services (3 credits)
This course examines federal and state laws concerning service delivery in a school setting. Students develop skills in working with general curriculum teachers and other specialists to meet the needs of communication-disordered students with the full range of disabilities and cultural considerations. Problem-based learning activities are used to explore creative and innovative means of assisting these children in accessing the general curriculum.
SLPM 6046: Seminar in Professional Issues and Ethics II (1 credit)
This seminar series includes discussion of the scope of practice in speech-language pathology and professionalism with a focus on supervision. Professional and ethical standards of practice are reinforced with a consideration of cultural differences. Perspectives on speech-language pathology relative to public health issues are covered.
SLPM 6047: Seminar in Professional Issues and Ethics III (1 credit)
This seminar series includes discussion of the scope of practice in speech-language pathology and professionalism with a focus on supervision. Professional and ethical standards of practice are reinforced with a consideration of cultural differences. Perspectives on speech-language pathology relative to public health issues are covered.
SLPM 6053: Augmentative & Alternative Communication Systems & Devices (3 credits)
This course is intended to facilitate an understanding and awareness of the communication options available to individuals who are unable to meet their daily communication needs through natural modes. The emphasis of this course is on determining appropriate technology supports that can be used to increase communication and daily functioning. The course covers characteristics of congenital and acquired communication disorders and cultural considerations; AAC and other assistive technology (AT) options and features; principles of AAC assessment; service delivery models; AAC intervention; funding; and current research in AAC.
SLPM 6063: Management of Medical Patients II (2 credits)
This three-part seminar course introduces students to the scope of speech-language pathology practice in medical settings. It provides familiarity with speech-language cognitive and swallowing disorders commonly encountered in medical settings; as well as medically-oriented diagnostic, treatment and reporting practices. Students will also acquire familiarity with equipment and terminology employed in medical settings, and with elements of pathophysiology and pharmacology associated with speech-language disorders in medical settings. Specific content will include infection control practices, exposure to critical care units and pertinent equipment, working with laryngectomized individuals and gaining familiarity with tracheo-esophageal puncture and one-way valves, working with patients that are ventilator-dependent with/without speaking valves, understanding of syndromology and cranio-facial anomalies in the context of feeding/swallowing and communication. In addition, specific public health issues will be addressed, including: reimbursement practices, impact on clinical practice in a variety of settings, collaboration with other professionals.
SLPM 6064: Management of Medical Patients III (2 credits)
This three-part seminar course introduces students to the scope of speech-language pathology practice in medical settings. It provides familiarity with speech-language cognitive and swallowing disorders commonly encountered in medical settings; as well as medically-oriented diagnostic, treatment and reporting practices. Students will also acquire familiarity with equipment and terminology employed in medical settings, and with elements of pathophysiology and pharmacology associated with speech-language disorders in medical settings. Specific content will include infection control practices, exposure to critical care units and pertinent equipment, working with laryngectomized individuals and gaining familiarity with tracheo-esophageal puncture and one-way valves, working with patients that are ventilator-dependent with/without speaking valves, understanding of syndromology and cranio-facial anomalies in the context of feeding/swallowing and communication. In addition, specific public health issues will be addressed, including: reimbursement practices, impact on clinical practice in a variety of settings, collaboration with other professionals.
SLPM 6068: Pediatric Dysphagia (3 credits)
This course provides an understanding of pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders. Exploration of normal communication of the infant, toddler, and preschooler with emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach. Evaluation procedures and recommendations will be addressed as well as evidence based therapeutic techniques. Counseling and parent training is discussed with consideration to cultural variables. Students become familiar with texture/characteristics of various foods and its impact on feeding and swallowing. Class encompasses overall developmental issues of the birth to preschool population.
External Practicum
SLPM 6067: External Practicum: School Setting (1 credit)
Registration for clinical practicum experiences is required during each semester. Students participate in a minimum of two internal clinical rotations at our on-campus clinic. Upon successful completion of the internal rotations, students participate in three different off-campus clinical rotations at hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, or private practices. Students must receive a passing grade in each practicum rotation in order to continue to the next practicum experience. Selected pediatric clock hours within these experiences may be counted toward the school based practica requirement for teacher certification.
SLPM 6042: External Practicum: Healthcare Practice Setting (1 credit)
Registration for clinical practicum experiences is required during each semester. Students participate in a minimum of two internal clinical rotations at our on-campus clinic. Upon successful completion of the internal rotations, students participate in three different off-campus clinical rotations at hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, or private practices. Students must receive a passing grade in each practicum rotation in order to continue to the next practicum experience. Selected pediatric clock hours within these experiences may be counted toward the school based practica requirement for teacher certification.
SLPM 6043: External Practicum: Modules for Medical Competencies (1 credit)
Registration for clinical practicum experiences is required during each semester. Students participate in a minimum of two internal clinical rotations at our on-campus clinic. Upon successful completion of the internal rotations, students participate in three different off-campus clinical rotations at hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, or private practices. Students must receive a passing grade in each practicum rotation in order to continue to the next practicum experience. Selected pediatric clock hours within these experiences may be counted toward the school based practica requirement for teacher certification.
SLPM 6044: External Practicum (1 credit)
Registration for clinical practicum experiences is required during each semester. Students participate in a minimum of two internal clinical rotations at our on-campus clinic. Upon successful completion of the internal rotations, students participate in three different off-campus clinical rotations at hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, or private practices. Students must receive a passing grade in each practicum rotation in order to continue to the next practicum experience. Selected pediatric clock hours within these experiences may be counted toward the school based practica requirement for teacher certification.
SLPM 6033: External Practicum: Supplemental (1 credit)
Registration for clinical practicum experiences is required during each semester. Students participate in a minimum of two internal clinical rotations at our on-campus clinic. Upon successful completion of the internal rotations, students participate in three different off-campus clinical rotations at hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, or private practices. Students must receive a passing grade in each practicum rotation in order to continue to the next practicum experience. Selected pediatric clock hours within these experiences may be counted toward the school based practica requirement for teacher certification.
External Practicum: Supplemental is offered for students who require an additional clinical experience.
Pediatric Dysphagia & Early Intervention Track (12 additional credits)
SLPM 7005: Treatment Approaches in Children with Complex Communication and Feeding Needs in EI (2 credits)
This seminar focuses on working with children with complex communication needs and pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders in Early Intervention (EI) home-based settings. It provides students with information regarding typical speech and language development and various medically complex conditions impacting growth. Anatomy-physiology of swallowing processes, the normal swallowing/feeding development, and common and uncommon feeding and swallowing difficulties in children with complex communication needs will be discussed. We will use current evidence-based practices to discuss strategies for preventing, assessing, and managing children with feeding and swallowing problems in challenging contexts. Evidenced-based treatment approaches will be reviewed and analyzed to effectively implement therapy practices within home based EI. This seminar will include discussions related to the family and environmental challenges, the significance of the interdisciplinary approach, and the understanding of the context of these services. Students will acquire knowledge about various challenges families may face in their day-to-day situations. Students will also learn to work closely with parents/caregivers to reinforce and support quality interactions with their children. After completing this seminar, students will have the foundational knowledge and the basic skills required to work with children with complex needs in Early Intervention settings. This course will also look to expand areas related to pediatric dysphagia including: medical management, multidisciplinary care, craniofacial disorders assessment and treatment, Management of patients with tracheostomy, utilization of SOS as one treatment approach with Sensory and ASD population, management of GERD throughout the life span as well as review of specific cases to discussion with clinical specialists. Evidence-based practice issues are incorporated into all aspects of the course. Interdisciplinary approaches are discussed.
SLPM 7006: Acquisition/Development of Feeding/Swallowing Skills and Disorders in Children (3 credits)
Feeding/Swallowing Disorders in Pediatric Populations Through this course the principles of assessment are identified to which to explore a variety of disorders of feeding and swallowing possible in children. Beginning to look at presented cases through the lens of a diagnostician incorporating knowledge from Course #6001 Acquisition of feeding and swallowing skills in children. Feeding and swallowing disorders of multiple factors are reviewed for their features, swallowing expectations, and feeding manifestations. Prevalence of expected feeding disorders in specific populations are discussed, including specific syndromes and other medical etiologies. The learning modules build on the medical management of the medically complex pediatric client; education of multifactorial feeding disorders; education of oral dysphagia; education of pharyngeal dysphagia; diagnoses from prematurity through craniofacial disorders including: general information regarding diagnosis and specifics. Specific real-life cases are presented along with specifics related to oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal features. Evidence-based practice issues are incorporated into all aspects of the course. Interdisciplinary approaches to this area of atypical or disordered management are discussed. Meaningful assignments are provided utilizing evidenced based practice and journal article review to support areas of knowledge. Assignments incorporate skills to be adopted into daily SLP practice for future growth.
SLPM 7007: Comprehensive Assessment of Feeding/Swallowing, Early Intervention and Clinical Writing (2 credits)
This course aims to explore the principles of comprehensive clinical feeding and swallowing assessment through clinical observations, developmental checklists as well as up-to-date objective measures available to the clinicians as identified through evidenced based practices. The course content is focused on interdisciplinary approach across settings including neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), inpatient acute care, inpatient rehabilitation, home care, educational/school settings, and outpatient clinics. Principles of instrumental/non-instrumental diagnostic techniques reviewed. Meaningful continuity of care ideas are explored. Assignments aim to build clinical writing skills to achieve thorough case histories, clinical skills to complete comprehensive screening, referrals, and assessments.
SLPM 7001: Seminar in Early Intervention 2 (2 credits)
Seminar surveys the characteristics of infants, toddlers, and preschool children with, or at risk of developing, disabilities; working with families through various types of services while considering cultural and linguistic variables; providing parent training and support; the development of trans-disciplinary teams, the role of team members, and the development of teaming skills. Consultation, collaboration, and communication with other professionals and parents are covered in this course.
SLPM 7004: Working with Families and Reflective Practice (3 credits)
This seminar focuses on understanding the parent-child dyad and learning to enhance families’ capacities to help their children through consistent and effective communication, coaching, coordination, and collaboration. It will prepare students to understand typical and atypical social-emotional development and the factors that may impact the parent-child interaction quality. Students will understand various challenges families may face in their day-to-day situations. Students will learn to work closely with parents/caregivers to reinforce and support quality interactions with their children. Students will consider and appreciate cultural diversity and practices. They will understand, explore and prepare ways to engage parents/caregivers in the EI programs and activities to support their child’s speech and language development. Students will discuss various aspects of the consultation, collaboration, and communication with other professionals and parents. In-class discussion and dialogue will also investigate topics in reflective practices. Students will exchange reflective feedback during in-class activities to understand and practice providing feedback without judgment.
This optional in-person practicum is offered as an elective. For the in-person experience, students observe in neonatal intensive care units (NICU) as well in our on-campus outpatient clinic over two weekends in that semester. Students conduct feeding/swallowing evaluations and document these throughout the practicum experience. Expert supervisors work with small groups of students as the clinical services are provided.
Electives (optional)
SLPM 7090: Overseas Elective (1 credit)
This elective course will focus on the ongoing development of clinical skills in measurement and evaluation procedures for adults with speech-language and/or swallowing disorders in a variety of locations outside the United States proper. This will include approved international and territorial sites. Students will engage in collaborative projects with other students at the site, as well as explore the delivery of speech-language pathology and other healthcare services to adult and pediatric populations in a variety of settings.
SLPM 7091: Research Experience (1 credit)
Students selecting this option will complete an extensive review of existing literature or complete a clinical research project on a specific topic in an area endorsed by a faculty mentor. Students may be participating in components of clinical research, inter-professional education opportunities, or community- based initiatives. Finished products will include a compilation of the information and presentation of the project in selected local and/or regional venues.