M.D./M.P.H. Program
The M.D./M.P.H. program can be completed in four years, with a flexible format adapted to your rigorous medical training.
As a student enrolled in the School of Medicine (SOM) at New York Medical College (NYMC) you may apply to the NYMC School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP) Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) Program. This M.D./M.P.H. Generalist program provides an opportunity to pursue both M.D. and M.P.H. degrees concurrently within four years and makes you more competitive in your residency applications. The M.P.H. is designed to complement undergraduate medical education by providing a deeper understanding of concepts and principles of public health, community outreach, and health systems management. We encourage you to begin in the spring of year one to spread out the course load, but you may begin in any semester – we will work with you to accommodate your schedule and to personalize your curriculum. All M.P.H. courses are both online and asynchronous.
What are the Benefits of the M.D./M.P.H. Joint Degree Program?
Benefits of the M.D./M.P.H. joint degree program include:
- Student-centered program with dedicated and highly experienced faculty leaders in health policy and management, epidemiology, biostatistics, global health, health behavior and community-based public health
- An applied practice experience where you can integrate a clinical rotation with the population health perspective and apply what you have learned in the coursework
- Appreciation of the effects of the interplay between community factors and individual behaviors on the health status of patients
- Understanding of the basis of treatment and treatment outcomes for individual patients
- Understanding of the delivery of health services, including the economic and legal aspects
You’ll also have specialized knowledge of many relevant issues including an understanding of:
- How the interplay of community factors and individual behaviors affects the health status of patients
- Treatment basis and outcomes for individual patients
- Health services delivery and management, especially the economic and legal aspects
- Current topics like U.S. health reform, biometrics and environmental influences
M.P.H. Coursework & Program Format
The 42-credit M.P.H. Generalist allows you to transfer 12 credits from your SOM coursework to count towards your M.P.H. degree, leaving you with 30 credits left to take within the four years you are at NYMC for your undergraduate medical education. Within the 30 credits are 6 elective credits to tailor your educational experience to your interests. You may choose elective courses based on interest in areas such as Global Health, Health Administration, Health Education, and Emergency Management.
- Required Courses: 24 credits
- Electives: 6 credits
All M.P.H. courses listed are offered online, including all summer courses. Since all M.P.H. courses listed are offered online and are asynchronous, there will be no conflicts with your M.D. curriculum schedule. The only requirements are the courses listed below, some of which relate to research methods and quantitative analysis. There are no additional research requirements. After completing the required coursework, the program culminates in a comprehensive exam.
Course Requirements with Sample 4-Year Program Layout
Fall Year 1: No M.P.H. Classes |
Spring Year 1: CHSM 5004 Applied Biostatistics and Epidemiology |
3 credits |
Summer Year 1: HPMM 5001 Health Care in the U.S. |
3 credits |
Fall Year 2: BSHM 5001 Behavioral and Social Factors in Public Health |
3 credits |
Spring Year 2: CHSM 5005a and CHSM 5005b Public Health in Action (1.5 each; must be taken concurrently) |
3 credits |
Summer Year 2: CHSM 7088 Applied Practice Experience |
3 credits |
Fall Year 3: BSHM 6012 Research Methods |
3 credits |
Spring Year 3: BSHM 6021 Program Planning |
3 credits |
Summer Year 3: HPMM 6050 Grant Writing |
3 credits |
Fall Year 4: Elective |
3 credits |
Spring Year 4: Elective |
3 credits |
Summer Year 4: CHSM 7098 Comprehensive Exam |
0 credits |
Admissions Process
Admission into the M.D./M.P.H. joint degree program is open to all students who are enrolled in the School of Medicine. The admissions office and faculty will work with you on an individualized program to facilitate a timeframe to enable the successful completion of the M.P.H. which is in your best interest.
If you’re a SOM student interested in applying to the M.D./M.P.H. program the following material must be submitted to the SHSP Office of Admissions:
- Complete M.D./M.P.H. Program Application, including signature from the SOM associate dean for student affairs
- Submit the signed M.D./M.P.H. application to the admissions office at shsp_admissions@nymc.edu
The SHSP Office of Admissions will arrange to obtain a copy of the official undergraduate transcript(s) on file in the NYMC Registrar’s Office. Once accepted into the program, you will receive a letter of acceptance letter and information on how to register for classes.
Your M.D./SOM tuition remains the same and the M.P.H. tuition is at 30% discount per credit. There is no application fee for SOM students.