Faculty Appointment, Promotion and Tenure

The New York Medical College (NYMC) School of Medicine (SOM) is committed to ensuring that the appointment and promotion process aligns closely with the roles, responsibilities, and duties of faculty members within the SOM. Recognizing faculty contributions and achievements that advance the institution's mission, appointments, promotions, and tenure are awarded accordingly.

Collaborating closely with current and prospective faculty members, SOM academic department chairs consider the requirements and eligibility related to faculty appointment, promotion, and tenure, collectively referred to as "faculty actions." The process is initiated by the department chairs, who communicate their faculty actions recommendations to the Dean of the SOM. 

Detailed guidelines and criteria for these actions are included in the SOM's Faculty Appointment, Promotion, and Reappointment Policy and Procedure, as well as the Tenure Policy and Procedure, both found on the SOM policies page under SOM Policies Related to Faculty.

To facilitate faculty action recommendations, department chairs and current or prospective faculty members must complete the Faculty Appointment Application. Completion of the application is essential for processing recommendations for faculty actions and are considered on a rolling basis. Components of the Faculty Appointment Application include:

  • Faculty Personal Information
  • Professional References
  • Chair Letter of Recommendation
  • Curriculum Vitae (NYMC Format)

Promotion Pathways and Rank Ladder Promotion Requirements

Investigator Pathway

Distinguishing Features

  • Tenure eligible
  • Excellence in Research Domain
  • Emphasis on Scholarship of Discovery
  • Strength in Teaching, Healthcare Delivery, and Service/Administration

Educator Pathway

Distinguishing Features

  • Tenure eligible
  • Excellence in Teaching Domain
  • Emphasis on Scholarship of Teaching
  • Strength in Research, Healthcare Delivery, and Service/Administration

Clinician Scholar Pathway

Distinguishing Features

  • Non-tenure eligible
  • Excellence in Healthcare Delivery Domain
  • Emphasis on Scholarship of Application and Integration
  • Strength in Research, Teaching, and Service/Administration

Associate Rank Requirements

  • Assistant rank for a minimum of three (3) years.
  • Excellence in at least one (1) domain as evidenced by local-regional and national recognition.
  • Strength in at least one (1) domain as evidenced by local and/or regional recognition.
  • Scholarship appropriate to pathway.

Professor Rank Requirements

  • Associate rank for a minimum of three (3) years
  • Sustained excellence in one (1) or more domains as evidenced by national and/or international
  • Sustained strength in one (1) or more domains as evidenced by national
  • Sustained scholarship appropriate to pathway.

Activities and Evidence of Scholarship

The Tenure, Appointments and Promotion (TAP) Committee considers academic activities and evidence of scholarship presented by candidates for faculty appointment and promotion in the SOM. Candidates are recommended by the academic department chair and supported by letters of recommendation/appraisers from both internal and external confidential reviewers per TAP policy and procedures that address the level and scope of criteria as applicable to associate professor and professor ranks.

Investigator Pathway/Universal Appointment and Promotion Criteria


Universal criteria most commonly apply to those assigned to the Investigator Pathway and are applicable to all promotion pathways. Candidates show evidence of scholarship associated with academic activities in one or more of the following categories:

  • Funded Research
  • Publications
  • Presentations
  • Professional Service

Educator Pathway Appointment and Promotion Criteria


Candidates assigned to the Educator Pathway show evidence of scholarship associated with academic activities in one or more of the following categories:

  • Curriculum Development and Instructional Design
  • Teaching and Instruction
  • Faculty Development and Mentorship
  • Leadership and Service in Education
  • Professional Development and Continuing Education
  • Community and Societal Impact

Clinician Scholar Pathway Appointment and Promotion Criteria


Candidates assigned to the Clinician Scholar Pathway show evidence of scholarship associated with academic activities in one or more of the following categories:

  • Clinical Excellence and Innovation
  • Mentorship and Supervision
  • Team Science – Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Work
  • Teaching and Education
  • Community and Societal Impact


Office of Faculty and Academic Affairs
(914) 594-4523