School of Medicine Faculty

The School of Medicine faculty is comprised of more than 1,700 active biomedical scientists and clinicians, and additional emeriti faculty, that represent the soul of the institution. Our faculty have passion for their respective disciplines and challenge students to grow intellectually by thinking broadly and advancing their knowledge through research that treats human disease and improves the lives of individuals and their communities. New York Medical College recognizes that a diverse faculty enhances the education of our students and best prepares them for service and scholarship in a multicultural society.


Manoj T. Abraham, M.D.

Clinical Associate Professor, Otolaryngology | School of Medicine

Stephen Adler, M.D.

Professor, Medicine; Professor, Physiology | School of MedicineProfessor, Physiology | Biomedical Sciences

Brij S. Ahluwalia, M.D.

Professor, Neurology | School of Medicine

Fawaz Al-Mufti, M.D.

Associate Professor, Neurology, Neurosurgery & Radiology; Associate Chair of Research, Neurology | School of Medicine

Gregory L. Almond, M.D., M.P.H. '00, M.S. '00

Chair, Emergency Medicine; Professor of Clinical, Emergency Medicine | School of MedicineVice Chancellor for External Academic Relations
Headshot of Costica Aloman

Costica Aloman, M.D.

Professor, Medicine & Medicine - Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatobiliary Diseases | School of Medicine

Salomon Amar, M.S., D.D.S, D.M.D., Ph.D.

Vice President for ResearchProfessor, Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology & Pharmacology | Biomedical SciencesProfessor, Dental Medicine | School of Medicine

Abha R. Amin, M.D.

Associate Professor, Ophthalmology | School of Medicine
Katherine Amodeo headshot

Katherine D. Amodeo, M.D.

Assistant Professor, Neurology | School of Medicine
Paul Arnaboldi headshot

Paul M. Arnaboldi, M.S., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology | Biomedical SciencesAssistant Professor, Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology | School of Medicine

Wilbert S. Aronow, M.D.

Professor, Medicine & Medicine - Division of Cardiology | School of Medicine
Headshot of Anubha Arora

Anubha Arora, M.D.

Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology | School of Medicine

Marie T. Ascher, M.S., M.P.H.

The Lillian Hetrick Huber Endowed Director of the Phillip Capozzi, M.D., LibraryAssistant Professor, Family and Community Medicine; | School of Medicine

David E. Asprinio, M.D.

Chair, Orthopedic Surgery; Professor of Clinical Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery; Professor, Pharmacology | School of Medicine
Headshot of Sateesh Babu

Sateesh C. Babu, M.D.

Professor, Surgery | School of Medicine

Chandra Shekhar Bakshi, D.V.M., Ph.D.

Program Director, (M.S.) Microbiology & Immunology; Professor, Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology | Biomedical SciencesProfessor, Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology | School of Medicine
Agnes Banquet

Agnes Q. Banquet, M.D.

Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics | School of Medicine

Abraham S. Bartell, M.D., M.B.A.

Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences | School of Medicine

Ami S. Baxi, M.D.

Instructor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences | School of Medicine

Amanda Beck, D.V.M.

Associate Professor, Cell Biology and Anatomy; Associate Professor, Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology | School of Medicine