Health Sciences and Practice Faculty

The School of Health Sciences and Practice faculty, including emeriti faculty, consists of healthcare practitioners and industry-based professionals dedicated to enhancing the student experience. Our faculty members engage in groundbreaking research, push the boundaries of current knowledge, and add unique perspectives to classroom lectures and clinical rotations in public health, physical therapy, and speech-language pathology.

Robert W. Amler, M.D., M.B.A., faculty profile headshot

Robert W. Amler, M.D., M.M.S., M.B.A., FAAP, FACPM

Vice President for Government AffairsDean; Professor, Public Health | School of Health Sciences & PracticeProfessor, Pediatrics | School of Medicine

Amy Ansehl, M.S.N., D.N.P., RN, FNP-BC

Senior Associate Dean for Student Experience; Associate Professor, Public Health; Director, Applied Practice Experience, Public Health; Director of Community Outreach and Education (CEHCHV), Public Health | School of Health Sciences & Practice
Headshot of Kathryn Ballerini

Kathryn Ballerini, M.S. '03, CCC-SLP

Clinical Instructor, Speech Language Pathology | School of Health Sciences & Practice

Nisha Beharie, Dr.P.H., M.P.H.

Assistant Professor, Public Health | School of Health Sciences & Practice

Stefanie Blanco, SLP.D., CCC-SLP, TSSLD, ATP

Assistant Professor, Speech Language Pathology; Director of Clinical Education, Speech Language Pathology | School of Health Sciences & Practice

Adam Block, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Public Health | School of Health Sciences & Practice

Denton Brosius, M.A., Ph.D.

Senior Associate Dean for eLearning; Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Public Health | School of Health Sciences & Practice

Chia-Ching Chen, M.A., M.S., Ed.D., CHES

Professor, Public Health; Director of Advanced Certificate in Health Education | School of Health Sciences & Practice

Catherine L. Curtis, M.A., Ed.D., PT

Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy | School of Health Sciences & Practice

Janet Dolot, M.S., D.P.T., Dr.P.H.’ 14, PT, OCS

Division Chief, Physical Therapy; Associate Professor, Physical Therapy | School of Health Sciences & Practice
Elizabeth Drugge headshots

Elizabeth Drugge, Ph.D., M.P.H.'12

Associate Professor, Public Health; Director of Campus Collaborative Research (CCR) | School of Health Sciences & PracticeDirector of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Curricular Theme and Adjunct Professor, Pharmacology | School of MedicineAdjunct Professor, Pharmacology | Biomedical Sciences

Kathleen Franklin, M.S., Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Associate Professor, Speech Language Pathology | School of Health Sciences & Practice

Vikas Grover, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Chair of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences; Division Chief, Speech Language Pathology; Academic Program Director, Speech Language Pathology; Professor, Speech Language Pathology; Director of Speech Perception and Production Lab, Speech Language Pathology | School of Health Sciences & Practice

Benjamin F. Johnson, Ed.D., M.A.

Vice Dean; Professor, Physical Therapy & Public Health | School of Health Sciences & Practice
Headshot of Parmveer Kaushal

Parmveer Kaushal, D.P.T., M.P.T., PT, CCS

Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy | School of Health Sciences & Practice
Maureen Kennedy square

Maureen Kennedy, M.S. '04, Dr.P.H. '11, CPH

Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Public Health | School of Health Sciences & Practice

Kenneth A. Knapp, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor and Chair, Public Health; Director, Dr.P.H. Program, Public Health | School of Health Sciences & Practice
Headshot of David Markenson

David S. Markenson, M.D., M.B.A., FACEP

Medical Director and Director, Center of Excellence in Precision Responses to Bioterrorism and Disasters; Director, Center for Disaster MedicineSenior Associate Dean for Research; Professor, Institute of Public Health | School of Health Sciences & Practice

Monica McHenry, M.S., Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Professor, Speech Language Pathology; Director of the Speech and Voice Physiology Lab, Speech Language Pathology | School of Health Sciences & Practice

Lindsay A. Murray-Keane, M.S. '08, CCC-SLP, TSSLD, IBCLC, CNT

Assistant Professor, Speech Language Pathology; Coordinator, Advanced Certificate of Pediatric Dysphagia, Speech Language Pathology | School of Health Sciences & Practice